Critical Mass (2004)
Cover of Philip Ball's 2004 Critical Mass, showing a critical mass of what looks like either a mass exodus, mass pilgrimage, or large column of troops marching to war. [2]
In human physics, critical mass is a term that refers to a specific number of humans who, through influenced or connective association, become activated at a tipping point, past which large-scale social change takes place.

The term seem to have come into popularity during the 2003 talks on the "physics of society" by English chemist and physicist Philip Ball and follow-up 2004 book. [1] The following 2010 quote by Indian business theorist Vineet Nayar indicates an incorporated utilization of the critical mass theory: [2]

“When a critical mass of employees [activate] (usually, 5 or 10 percent is all you need), throughout the company, it creates a kind of fusion – a coming together of the human particles in the corporate molecule that releases a massive amount of energy.”

Critical mass can be defined in the sense of “attracting attention and anticipating influence.” [3]

See also
Muller stability ratio
● Muller dispersion force

1. (a) Ball, Philip. (2003). “The Physics of Society”, A talk Delivered at the London School of Economics, March.
(b) Ball, Philip. (2004). Critical Mass - How One Thing Leads to Another (social physics, social mechanics, pg. 58; free will, pgs. 71-72, Buckle, 65-69, 205). New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
2. Nayar, Vineet. (2010). Employees First, Customers Second (quote, pg. 165; energy, 11+ pgs.). Harvard Business Books.
3. Walker, James W. and Thomson, Andrew S. (2008). Critical Mass: the Emergence of Global Society (critical mass (def), pg. xvi). Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.

External links
Critical mass (sociodynamics) – Wikipedia.
Critical mass (disambiguation) – Wikipedia.

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