“The weight P holding down the piston in [a given] position is the same as the weight of the overlying atmosphere, which we shall designate P in what follows.”
See main: Bernoulli familyIn the history of differential equations, Swiss mathematicians, brothers Jacob Bernoulli (1654-1705) and Johann Bernoulli (1667-1748), the latter father of Daniel Bernoulli and mentor to Leonhard Euler (teacher of Joseph Lagrange), in Basel, Switzerland, were among the first interpreters of German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz' version of differential calculus. They were both critical of English physicist Isaac Newton's theories and maintained that Newton’s theory of fluxions was plagiarized from Leibniz' original theories, and went to great lengths, using differential calculus, to disprove Newton’s Principia, on account that the brothers could not accept the theory, which Newton had proven, that the earth and the planets rotate around the sun in elliptical orbits. [2]
Bernoulli family | ||||
Nicolaus Bernoulli (1623–1708) | ||||
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"Bernoulli brothers" (differential equations) Jacob Bernoulli (1654–1705) | Nicolaus Bernoulli (1662–1716) | | "Bernoulli brothers" (differential equations) Johann Bernoulli (1667–1748) Student: Leonhard Euler | |
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Nicolaus II Bernoulli (1695–1726) | "Hydrodynamica" Daniel Bernoulli (1700–1782) Friend: Leonhard Euler | Johann II Bernoulli (1710–1790) |
“The force of compression is approximately inversely proportional to the volume occupied by the air. This is confirmed by a variety of experiments. This law can certainly be safely applied to air less dense than normal; thought I have not adequately examined whether it also applies to air very much more dense; [also] the temperature of the air should be carefully kept constant while it is being compressed.”
“The pressure of the air is increased not only by reduction in volume but also by the rise in temperature. As it is well known that heat is intensified as the internal motion of the particles increases, it follows that any increase in the pressure of air that has not changed its volume indicates more intense motion of its particles, which is in agreement with our hypothesis.”
“In any air whatever density, but at a given temperature, the pressure varies as the density, and furthermore, that increases of pressure arising from equal increases of temperature are proportional to the density.”
“The screw-propeller, which, as has been stated, was probably first proposed [by Leonardo da Vinci (c.1495) (Ѻ)] by Robert Hooke (Ѻ) in 1681, and by Daniel Bernoulli [1752], of Groningen, and by Watt in 1784, was, at the end of the century, tried experimentally in the United States by David Bushnell, an ingenious American, who was then conducting the experiments with torpedoes.”— Robert Thurston (1878), A History of the Steam Engine (pg. 292)
“Bernoulli, in his Hydrodynamics, dispensed with ‘fire particles’ and ‘subtle fluid’, instead situating the constituent atoms being all that are required to account for the known physical properties of elastic fluids. He introduces the fundamental notion of the average distance that an atom travels between collisions—the mean free path D—and he shows that the number of times and atom strikes the walls of the containing vessel must be proportional to 1/D, while the number of atoms making such impacts must be proportional to 1/D². The product of these two, 1/D³, gives him the pressure of the gas, and as D³ is proportional to V, the volume of the gas, it follows that Boyle’s law is obeyed. He was also able to show that if the effect of heat is to increase the velocity, u, of the atoms the pressure must vary as u²/V, which is consistent with Amontons’ discovery that the pressure of an elastic fluid varies with temperature.”— Donald Cardwell (1971), From Watt to Clausius (pg. 25)