People dancing at Burning Man 2014 (Ѻ), something Paul Dirac couldn't understand the reason of, i.e. the "why' of dancing? |
“Why do you dance?”In 2015, Libb Thims, in his "Zerotheism for Kids" class, employed the Dirac dancing anecdote as a means to teaching "meaning" to kids, in opposition to the the "blind random chance" motto, of the Greek atomic theorist origin, parlayed by many modern day atheists (e.g. Richard Dawkins), in conjunction with Adams creed, on the supposition of waves and tides existing in the universe. [2]
The lady loved dancing: — he therefore applied,
To the polka and waltz, an equation;
But when to rotate on his axis he tried,
His center of gravity swayed to one side,
And he fell, by the earth's gravitation.
“What good is studying Euclid, if you can’t use it to explain why Elvis played the ukulele?”— Libb Thims (2013), personal note (reminiscent of Dirac dancing anecdote); arisen in respect to pure mathematicians ranking in current smartest person existive genius rankings, Nov 18
“Unbidden and unwarned, nature receives us into the circuits of her dance, drifting onward with us herself, until we grow tired and drop from her arms.”— Johann Goethe (c.1800), an Inderjit Singh favorite quote (Ѻ)