A Google definition of Epicureanism as an anti-deterministic restrained-hedonism god-free happiness-aiming philosophy, based on the logic that all "things" can be explained on the principle of atoms moving, bonding, forming structures therein, and debonding, in a void, eternally. |
Syllabus of the Doctrines of Epicurus
● Physical: The universe eternal.Its parts, great and small, interchangeable.● Gods: an order of beings next superior to man, enjoying in their sphere, their own felicities; but not meddling with the concerns of the scale of beings below them.
Matter and void alone.
Motion inherent in matter which is weighty and declining.
Eternal circulation of the elements of bodies.
● Moral: Happiness the aim of life.
● Virtue: the foundation of happiness.
● Utility the test of virtue.
● Pleasure: active and In-do-lent.In-do-lence – is the absence of pain, the true felicity.Active – consists in agreeable motion; it is not happiness, but the means to produce it.
Thus the absence of hunger is an article of felicity; eating the means to obtain it. The summum Annum [default greatest, highest, or most elevated] is to be not pained in body, nor troubled in mind. i.e. In-do-lence of body, tranquility of mind. To procure tranquility of mind we must avoid desire and fear, the two principal diseases of the mind. Man is a free agent. Virtue consists in 1. Prudence. 2. Temperance. 3. Fortitude. 4. Justice. To which are opposed, 1. Folly. 2. Desire. 3. Fear. 4. Deceit.
“Epicureanism was a philosophy that brought peace and quiet rather than inspiration and exhilaration; based on a theory of the exclusive validity of sense perception and on an ethical doctrine that ‘pleasure was the criterion of good’, it lent itself not only to a dull and flat dialectic but also to gross misinterpretation. Although, in the Hellenistic period and later in the Roman, it was second of the two great philosophies (the first was stoicism), yet it trailed far behind its rival and gained relatively few adherents, these chiefly among poets, philosophers, and others of a contemplative rather than an active disposition.
Starting with the question ‘how do we get our knowledge?’, Epicurus concludes that we get it through the sense; sensation, he declared, is the only reliable source of knowledge, and consequently the only source of truth. From this starting point, the philosophy proceeds with nearly relentless logic to explain ever phenomenon—and the correct word is ‘every’—of which the ancient world was aware.”
“Epicureanism held that pleasure is the goal of well-being and that neither god nor providence directs human affairs.”— Epiphanius (378), The Panarion [4]
“The Epicureans were neither determinists nor atheists [see: functional atheist], although they were commonly accused of being both.”— Frank Copley (1977), “Introduction” to On the Nature of Things (pg. xv)