In hmolscience, Francisco Louca (1956-) is Portuguese politician and economist noted for his 2000s work on the history of physics based economics.
In 2001, Louca, in his “Particles or humans? Econometric Quarrels on Newtonian Mechanics and the Social Realm”, on human particle models, discussed topics such as Philip Mirowski’s 1989 economic thermodynamics views, and how that in the late 19th century a powerful drive towards the incorporation of a new wave of mechanical analogies met with considerable resistance from some of the more established economists. [1]
In 2007, Louca, in his The Years of High Econometrics, discussed how in the early 20th century, thinkers such as Joseph Schumpeter (1946) or Vilfredo Pareto influenced Italian economist Luigi Amoroso (1931) discussed concepts such as will, physics, determinism, molecules, kinetic theory, physics, etc., in respect to economic implications. [2]
1. Louca, Franciso. (2001). Economics and Interdisciplinary Exchange (ch. 7: “Particles or humans? Econometric Quarrels on Newtonian Mechanics and the Social Realm”, pgs. 171-180). Routledge.
2. Louca, Francisco. (2007). The Years of High Econometrics: a Short History of the Generation that Reinvented Economics (pg. 118). Routledge.
External links
● Francisco Louca – Wikipedia.