In business chemistry, free electron is the modelling of certain highly energetic workers as a valence shell electrons in the sense that choose their own occupational work orbitals (see: human molecular orbital theory).

An example of a "free electron" type of worker, according to American electrical engineer and consultant Tom DeMarco, would include someone who is highly-motivated or self-directed and or works non-traditional jobs, such as freelance work, self-employment, contracting, consulting, etc., can be likened to a valence shell electron, in the sense that the choose their work orbits, so to speak, rather than having a traditional single location company “job” in the normal sense of the word. [1]

The implementation of the term “free electron” used in the business sense was introduced in circa 1986 by American business executive Steve McMenamin who defined self-motivated super-achievers of corporations, who define their own job, as “free electrons” since “they have a strong role in choosing their own orbits.” This business model became the chapter “Free Electrons” of the 1987 book : Productive Projects and Teams by Americans electrical engineer and consultant Tom DeMarco and business consultant Timothy Lister. [1]

1. DeMarco, Tom and Lister, Timothy. (1999). Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams (ch. 25: Free Electrons, pgs. 167-70) (1987 first edition). Dorset House Pub. Co.

Further reading
● Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume One) (free electron, pg. 29). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.

External links
Valence electron – Wikipedia.
Valence (chemistry) – Wikipedia.

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