In genius studies, Genius IQ candidates refers to individuals tentatively slated, estimated, or nominated to have possible have a genius IQ of 140 (Terman) to 160 (Hollingworth) or above ranking in the tentative future project of the 1000 greatest geniuses of all time listing, a list actively growing presently at the Genius IQs rankings table, whose nominations stem from a number of sources: such as peer genius rankings, multiple thread nominations, historically established genius fame and retrospect ability, among others. This page, to some extent, is an expanded spinoff of the IQ: 200 (±) candidates page, just as the Genius IQs page is an expanded spinoff of the IQ: 200+ page. Thread nominations (with reason) are welcome.

The following are in the slated to be added to the genius IQs table.


Ken Uston 75Ken Uston
 IQ_O \,=169 Entered Yale age 16; MBA at Harvard; youngest ever vice president Pacific Stock Exchange; thereafter inventing team card counting and becoming known as the “genius card-counter”. (link)

Existive candidates
The following are genius IQs potentials who are still existive [alive + reactive] sometime of which have been affixed with the title "smartest living person", which, to note, in a somewhat oxymoronic fashion, if one was indeed cited as the smartest "living" person, he or she would at least be smart enough to know that there is no such thing as a "living thing", person or otherwise, as Nikola Tesla disproved this doctrine nearly a hundred years ago (see: defunct theory of life), and as such would be in possession of learned ignorance, or possibly be a pseudo-intellectual or an intellectual moron.


Edward Thorp 75 Edward Thorp
 IQ_O \,=170-200 Didn’t speak until age 3 (similar to Einstein); at 3.5 spoke like an adult, could count to a million, and had a photographic memory; to win ice cream cones, he would bet grocers that he could add customers’ bills in his head faster than the grocer could using an adding machine; for fun, would take IQ tests at the local library, typically scoring in the 170 to 200 range; made homemade explosives such as nitrocellulose and ammonium iodide to blow up things and make rocket cars; in 1955, while a physics graduate student at UCLA, one bare boned budget of $100 a month, while putting in 50-60 hours studying and in classes, he realized time was money, so he began to read books on psychology for tips on how to study faster; thereafter he began to study the ‘physics’ of roulette wheels, and in 1961 invented the world’s first wearable computer, learning Fortran to do the programing, to make predictive bets in the few seconds after the croupier releases the white ball, while bets are still open; in 1960, while a mathematics instructor at MIT, became gambling (blackjack/roulette) theorist cohort with Claude Shannon (IQ=180±) and together they built pocket computer casino device. [13]

Murray Gell-Mann 75Murray Gell-Mann

[GPE] Taught himself calculus at age 7 (link); in 1961, he (and Kazuhiko Nishijima) to introduce a classification scheme for hadrons, elementary particles that participate in the strong interaction (this scheme was independently proposed by Yuval Ne'eman)—his scheme is now explained by the quark model; in 1964, Gell-Mann and George Zweig, independently, went on to postulate the existence of quarks” (a term coined by Gell-Mann), particles of which hadrons are composed.

Edward Witten 75Edward Witten

Fields Medal (gray) 21x21String theory, quantum gravity, quantum field theory researcher; first physicist to be awarded a Fields Medal (1990); named by Time (2004) as world’s greatest still existive [existing+reactive] theoretical physicist; 10+ thread posts on him as "missing candidate" (here) (thread).

Noam Chomsky 75Noam Chomsky

His Manufacturing Consent was mentioned in Good Will Hunting; oft-labeled as the "smartest person alive". [4]


See also
IQ history
IQ: 225+
Last person to know everything
Smartest person ever
Universal genius
Last universal genius
IQ+ 150+ | Smartest woman ever
Two cultures genius (two cultures)

4. The Smartest People Alive (2010) –
16. Teuscher, Christof. (2006). Alan Turing: Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker. Springer.

External links
The World’s 50 Smartest Teenagers (2014) –

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