Earth (people attached)
Earth (people attached) molecule view
Left: A circa 1246 view of a spherical earth with people being affixed on all sides via the so-called 'gravitational force'. Right: Modern (2007) view of two human molecules (people) affixed to the earth molecule (earth), whereby attachments between molecules (human and earth) are defined as 'chemical bonds'.
In science, gravity or “gravitation” is the name of the proposed force that acts on bodies with mass, in an equal and opposite manner, such that large bodies act to cause respectively smaller bodies, in its vicinity, to accelerate towards its central direction. [1]

Relativity | Force illusion
In 1999, Michael Rowan-Robinson, on Einstein's relativity theory, stated the following: [8]

Gravity is not really a force but is a consequence of the curvature of space-time induced by masses. Space is curved around a massive body so small test particles moves in a curved orbit around the body, giving the illusion of a force acting on the particle.”

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In 1798, American-born English scientist Benjamin Thompson gave one of the earliest references to mechanism and gravity: [2]

“Nobody, surely, in his sober senses, has ever pretended to understand the mechanism of gravitation.”

This perspective is no less true today. The science of human chemistry, however, illuminates the probability that gravity may be in the family of the chemical bond, and thus related to the electromagnetic force, having an explanation in photon-electron mechanism (or spin).
Gravity doesn't exist (diagram)
Cartoonish depiction of Danish physicist Erik Verlinde’s 2010 claim that gravity doesn’t exist, by NY Times artist Elwood Smith, but that gravity is a consequence of the thermodynamics. [6]

In 2010, Danish physicist Erik Verlinde contended that gravity is an illusion, explaining as an alternative that that both Newtonian and Einsteinean gravity is a consequence of the laws of thermodynamics. [6] His central derivation seems to rest on this statement:

“The product of the temperature and the change in entropy due to the displacement of matter is shown to be equal to the work done by the gravitational force.”

This statement is loosely correct in that energy quantified by the term TdS is associated with the changes in the positions of the particles of a system due to heat, as explained in the term equivalence-value and transformation equivalents, in which gravity comes into play by virtue of the principle of the transmission of work.

The weak point in his article is his utilization of 'information', which is not a thermodynamic quantity. He states: “gravity is explained as an entropic force caused by changes in the information associated with the positions of material bodies”. Beyond this, most of his argument is based on Hawking-type analogy laws of black hole thermodynamics and information, the latter of which itself has very negligible connection to thermodynamics. [7]

Human chemistry
See main: Human chemistry
In the study of the nature of the force of attachments between larger structures, such as between humans, between humans and the earth, or between the earth and the sun, each structure is described via a “molecular formula”, namely: human molecule, earth molecule, sun molecule. In short, the human being is a large 26-element molecule, defined as a human molecule, and attachments of human molecules, such as between a man Mx and woman Fy: Mx≡Fy, can be clearly explained via extrapolations and use of standard chemical bonding methodologies. In a duplicate manner, the force that holds one human molecule to the earth (a 92-element molecule), E≡Mx , or the earth to the sun (a 72-element molecule), S≡E, should each find a similar explanation in culling theory from chemistry; namely in the study of the attachment of two hydrogen atoms, H≡H, out of which all mentioned larger structures are made. These molecular formulas are shown below.



Chemical bond



Vitruvian man


Human chemical bond

Human molecule

HE27 OE27 CE27 NE26 PE25 CaE25 KE24 NaE24 SE24 ClE24 MgE24 FeE23
FE23 ZnE22 SiE22 CuE21 BE21 CrE20 MnE20 NiE20 SeE20 SnE20 IE20 MoE19 CoE19 VE18



Chemical gravitation

Earth molecule




Chemical gravitation

Sun molecule


In the study of the mechanisms and dynamic formations and attachments involved in human bonding, between two or more human molecules, the new view illuminated in investigations of the human chemical bond, modeled on the standard chemical bond, is that photon electron interactions, mediated by field particles, explains such attachments.

This gives way to a view that the force of gravity, such as between one human molecule and a given planet, such as the earth molecule, or between earth molecule and the sun molecule, may have a type of chemical mechanism explanation, similar to the attachment of two hydrogen atoms; as all such cases seem to be the result of interactions between photons and the electrons. [1] Hence, the attachments between, for instance, the earth E and one human Mx, E≡Mx, or between the earth E and the sun S, S≡E, or as between to hydrogen H atoms, H≡H, should have a universal mechanism. [1]
Einstein on love (gravity)
Einstein, his 1933 jottings on theories of love, and how he thought gravity cannot be held responsible for it.

Einstein on love and gravity
See main: Einstein on love
Among the letters Einstein received in England was one from a man who had a theory that gravity meant that as the earth rotated people were sometimes upside down or horizontal. Perhaps, reasoned the man, this led people to do foolish things, like falling in love. This prompted Einstein to scribble the following response on the letter: [3]

“Falling in love is not the most stupid thing that people do … but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it.”

In the late 1920s at the California Institute of Technology, as recorded by Henry Borsook (1956), physical chemist Edwin Cohn asked geneticist Thomas Morgan what is research plans were? Morgan answer was: “I am not doing any genetics. I am bored with genetics. But I am going out to Cal Tech where I hope it will be possible to bring physics and chemistry to bear on biology.” Shortly after Morgan arrived at Cal Tech, Einstein visited the laboratory and posed almost the same question. Morgan answered similarly as before. In response, Einstein shook his head and said: [4]

“No, this trick won’t work. The same trick does not work twice. How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?”

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The following are related quotes:

“The theory of gravity so exactly accounts for all the physical phenomena of the solar system, that it is impossible it should be false; and although we cannot determine its nature or its essence, it is as unreasonable to doubt its existence, as to doubt the existence of animate beings, because we know nothing of the principle of life.”
— Horatio Robinson (1849), A Treatise on Astronomy [1]

See also
Social gravitation
Universal gravitation law

1. (a) Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume One) (pgs. 21, 204) (preview), (Google books). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
(b) Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume Two), (preview), (Google books). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
2. (a) Thomson, Benjamin. (1798). “An Inquiry Concerning the Source of Heat which is Excited by Friction”. Philosophical Transactions. Vol. XVIII, pg. 286.
(b) Thomson, Benjamin. (1798). “An Inquiry Concerning the Source of Heat which is Excited by Friction” in The Complete Works of Count Rumford, (pgs. 469-93). Oxford University Press, 1870.
3. Isaacson, Walter. (2007). Einstein, (pg. 423). Simon and Schuster.
4. Kang, Manjit. (2002). Quantitative Genetics, Genomics, and Plant Breeding, (pg. 12). CABI Publishing.
5. Medieval artistic illustration of the spherical Earth in a 13th century copy of L'Image du monde (ca. 1246).
6. Overbye, Dennis. (2010). “A Scientist Takes on Gravity”, NY Times, Jul 12.
7. Verlinde, Erik. (2010). “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”,, Jan 06.
8. Rowan-Robinson, Michael. (2001). The Nine Numbers of the Cosmos (pg. vii). Oxford University Press.
9. (a) Robinson, Horatio. (1849). A Treatise on Astronomy (pg. 160). Erastus H. Pease & Co.
(b) Bray, Henry T. (1910). The Living Universe (pg. 127). Truro Publishing Co., 1920.

External links
Gravitation – Wikipedia.

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