In human physics, HP pioneers or "human physics pioneers" are those (50+) scientists and writers, as listed below (and others), who over the last several-hundred years or so have contributed theory and logic to the understanding of the physics of human existence, e.g. social physics, econophysics, etc.. Some of these pioneers are listed below. Photo-size is indicative of a combination of originality, contribution density, impact, and deepness of theory penetration:


Thomas Hobbes 75Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
English science philosopher and political theorist
1651Wrote the book Leviathan, in which he draws analogies between laws of mechanics and features of society.
2.Francesco Algarotti 75Francesco Algarotti (1712-1764)
Italian natural philosopher
1737His Newtonianism for the Ladies "employs the inverse square law to calculate the power of attraction between a pair of separated lovers".
3. Adam Smith 75Adam Smith (1723-1790)
Scottish social philosopher and political economist
1776 His Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations is said to have found inspiration in Isaac Newton’s 1687 Principia, particularly the idea of causative forces. [5]
4.icon 75 (test) John Stewart (1749-1822)
British philosopher
1789Derived a purely materialist physics-based “moral motion” theory.
5. Nicolas-Francois Canard (c.1750-1833)
French mathematician, philosopher and economist
1801Argued that view that supply and demand are ontologically like contradicting physical forces. [8]
6.Henri de Saint-Simon 75Henri de Saint-Simon (1760-1825) French social theorist 1817Gave Auguste Comte a job of secretary; the two were said to have worked together for a period of seven years to develop a version of "social physics".
7.Adolphe Quetelet 75Adolphe Quetelet (1796-1874)
Belgian mathematician, astronomer, and sociologist
1835Wrote the book Essay on Social Physics.
8.Auguste Comte 75Auguste Comte (1798-1857)
French sociologist and philosopher
1842Outlined the view that 'social physics' needs a Galileo-Newton type description.
9.Henry Carey 75Henry Carey (1793-1879)
American sociologist and economist
1858Developed a theory of 'social gravitation’.
10. Jules Regnault (1834-1894)
French economist
1863 His “Calculations of Chances and Philosophy of Trading”, said to have been strongly influenced by the social physics of Adolphe Quetelet, developed a version of what has been called “financial physics”; was later employed by French mathematician Louis Bachelier (1870-1946) who is said to have used a random hypothesis to treat securities prices similar to gas molecules, moving independently of each other, with future movements being independent of past movements. [3]
11.Francis Edgeworth 75Francis Edgeworth (1845-1926)
Irish mathematical economist
1881Applied mathematical physics to the moral sciences.
12. Alfred Marshall 75Alfred Marshall (1842-1924)
English microeconomist
c.1890 Said to have drew on ideas of physicists to develop the notion that economies achieves an equilibrium state like that described for gases by James Maxwell and Ludwig Boltzmann.
13.Louis Bachelier 75Louis Bachelier (1870-1946)
French mathematician
1900Building on the work of Jules Regnault, said to have used a random hypothesis to treat securities prices similar to gas molecules, moving independently of each other, with future movements being independent of past movements. [3][5]
14.Boltzmann 75Ludwig Boltzmann
1905In his Popular Writings (Populäre Schriften), first praised American engineer Willard Gibbs for his systematic development of statistical mechanics, and then said to have commented: [7]

“This opens a broad perspective, if we do not only think of mechanical objects. Let’s consider to apply this method to the statistics of living beings, society, sociology and so forth.”
15.Spiru Haret 75Spiru Haret (1851-1912)
Romanian mathematical physicist
1910Developed a physical mathematics based social mechanics.
16.Ettore Majorana 75Ettore Majorana (1906-1938)
Italian theoretical physicist
c.1933His circa 1933 article “The Value of Statistical Laws in Physics and Social Sciences” suggested the application of quantum statistical physics to social sciences (see: human quantum mechanics).
17.John G. Stewart 75John Q. Stewart (1894-1972) American astrophysicist1947His “Suggested Principles of ‘Social Physics” attempts to outline, formulaically, what he called a “human gas” model of population demographics, in which he viewed each person as a “molecule” (or human molecule, in the modern sense of the term) and uses a shorthand version of ideal gas law to derive formulas for demographic gravitation, demographic energy, among others. He followed this up with several other articles in the following decade.
18.George Lundberg 75George Lundberg (1895-1966)
American sociologist
1948Socially models people as ‘electron-proton configurations’.
19 Thomas Schelling 75Thomas Schelling (1921-)
American economist
1969 His famous “Models of Segregation” outlined a checker-board type social attraction and repulsion model, which showed that small micro preferences for one's neighbors, such as skin color or similar ethnicity, could lead to total segregation.
20.icon 75 (test)Roy Henderson (c.1935-)
Australian mechanical engineer
1971Modeled of crowd behavior and pedestrian traffic on fluid mechanics and ideal gas models; in his first paper, the highly-cited 1971 “The Statistics of Crowd Fluids”, he measured the movements of college students on a campus and children on a playground, finding that in both cases their movements fit the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.
21.Wolfgang Weidlich 75Wolfgang Weidlich (1931-)
German physicist
1971His article “The Statistical Description of Polarization Phenomena in Society”, on the dynamics of opinion forming, is said to be one of the founding papers of sociophysics.
22.Elliott Montroll 75Elliott Montroll (1916-1983)
American chemist, mathematician, and statistical physicist
1974Did a certain number of humans to molecules comparisons to explain, wherein he used collision theory to explain the transfer of goods and services, family, annual income, and wealth distributions (Pareto's principle).
23.Per Bak 75Per Bak (1948-2002)
Danish theoretical physicist
1988His highly-cited 1988 article "Self-organized Criticality" introduced the sand pile model of critical states which he alluded could be applied to the social sciences and economics; he extended this model into the social domain in his 1996 book How Nature Works.
24.Necip Cakır 75Necip Cakır (c.1963-)
Turkish econophysicst
1988 Completed his PhD dissertation at the University of Bogazici, Istanbul, was published as the 1998 book Physics and Economics; currently is a professor of economics and deputy dean at the University of Bahcesehir.
25.Rosario Mantegna 75Rosario Mantegna (1960-)
Italian physicist and econophysicist
1991 He started to work in the area of the analysis and modeling of social and economic systems with tools and concepts of statistical physics as early as in 1990; published the first econophysics paper in a physics journal in 1991; co-authored the first econophysics paper in Nature, in 1995;in 1999, he published the first book on econophysics; after earning his tenured position in 1999, he founded the Observatory of Complex Systems, a research group of the Department of Physics of Palermo University, focused on econophysics.
26.Eugene Stanley 75Eugene Stanley (1944-)
American physicist
1995Coined the term "econophysics"; wrote the 2000 Introduction to Econophysics, co-authored with Rosario Mantegna; his work was one of the reasons Dietrich Stauffer went into econophysics.
27. Yi-Cheng Zhang 75Yi-Cheng Zhang
1996 EconoPhysics ForumHis group, at the University of Fribourg, introduced the first econophysics webpage, otherwise known as the Econophysics Forum. [1] His asking of Joseph McCauley to write reviews and then articles for the Econophysics Forum was what drew him in to econophysics in 1999.
28. Simon Capelin 75Simon Capelin (c.1951-)
English science publishing editor
c.1997Said to have led the charge in publishing market by bring out the books by Eugene Stanley and others. [3]
29.Malcolm Gladwell 75 newMalcolm Gladwell (1963-)
American social science writer
1996Popularized a tipping point theory of collective social behavior.
30.Dietrich Stauffer 75Dietrich Stauffer (1943-)
German theoretical physicist
1998 Began working in the application of statistical physics and in particular computational physics in econophysics (since 1998) and sociophysics (since 2000); in 2003 the international symposium "Unconventional Applications of Statistical Physics: Physics of Random Networks, Econophysics, and Models of Biophysics and Sociophysics" was held in his honor; his 2006 Biology, Sociology, Geology by Computation Physicists, contains an end chapter on end chapter to the social science, mentioning Empedocles, Ettore Majorana, Thomas Schelling, Serge Galam, Wolfgang Weidlich, and Jurgen Mimkes; his 2011 article “Statistical Physics for Humanities: A Tutorial” suggests how to use Fortran to build computer simulations for a type of human statistical physics.
31.Mark Buchanan 75Mark Buchanan (1961-)
American physicist
2000Theorizes on power laws and social atoms.
32.Victor Yakovenko 75Victor Yakovenko (c.1960-)
Russian-born American physicist
2000Began promoting econophysics, about the US, out of the University of Maryland.
33.Philip Ball 75Philip Ball (1962-)
English chemical physicist
2001Writes on ‘physics of society’; concepts such as ‘critical mass’.
34.Albert-Laszlo Barabasi 75Albert-Laszlo Barabasi (1967-)
Romanian-born American physicist
2002Discusses hubs, connectors, links, and ties social models; student of Eugene Stanley.
35.Joseph McCauley 75Joseph McCauley (1943-)
American physicist
c.2003 Completed his 1972 PhD under Norwegian-born American thermodynamicist Lars Onsager at Yale University; authored the 2004 Dynamics of Markets: Econophysics and Finance; head of the econophysics department at the University of Houston, which as of 2008, is said to be one of the only universities that offers a PhD program in econophysics. [4]
36. Victor Yakovenko () c.2003 Runs an econophysics research group at the physics department of the University of Maryland. [6]
37. Carlos Perez (1955-)
Spanish sociologist
2004 His “The Value of Statistical Laws in Physics and Social Sciences” reprints (in English) and recounts the circa 1935 social quantum mechanics article Ettore Majorana.
38.Richard Ecob (c.1983-)
English physicist
2005 Developed an atomic radioactive decay model of how people look for partners on the view that anyone’s romantic life can be reduced to a series of transitions, or ‘transit states’, e.g. ‘twice-divorced and now single’; a sort of nuclear decay version of chemistry's transition state theory.
39.Ted Erikson 75 new Ted Erikson (c.1928-)
American chemical engineer
2005 Since circa 2005 has been working on a Planck-scale theory of panpsychism consciousness and growth; discussing it in talks, such as at the local Chicago area American Association of Physics Teachers meetings (2008), American Institute of Chemical Engineering meetings (2010), etc.; his 2009 chapter “What Makes Us Human: Panpsychism and Thermodynamics Explored” outlines some of his ideas.
40.Libb Thims 75Libb Thims (c.1975-)
American chemical engineer, electrical engineer, and thermodynamicist
2007 His 2007 textbook Human Chemistry introduced the exchange force model of human chemical bonding (mediated by field particles: primary and secondary), the Feynman diagram model of human interactions (attraction and repulsion movements), and the outline of human quantum mechanics, among other theories.
41.Adrian Bejan 75Adrian Bejan (1948-)
Romanian-born American mechanical engineer
2007 Developed a social dynamics constructal theory.
42. Daniel Gilles () 2008 Co-authored, together with Didier Sornette, the article “Econophysics: Historical Perspectives”, in the four-volume Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance
43.Dean Hamden Dean Hamden (c.1950-)
American physicist
2008Has been conducted a four-year research project on the subject of the physics of human behavior, at Montclair State University, involving 500 individuals, the results of which are explained in the nearly finished 2012 book The Physics of Human Behavior, some of which is touched on at 2008; in this work, he applies concepts such as Newtons laws of motion, Hooke’s law, the laws of thermodynamics, entropy, the uncertainty principle, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, among others, applied to human behavior, finance, and economics, all framed around an end run effort to facilitate guidance on happiness attainment and relationship satisfaction.
44.Len Fisher 75Len Fisher (1942-)
Australian-born English chemist, physicist, biologist, and philosopher
2009Discusses the physics of crowd and swarm behavior.
45.Person icon (29x43)Ignacio Gallo (c.1982-)2009Did PhD thesis on the physics of social equilibrium; research is to develop a statistical mechanics theory of social interaction, using generalizing econometric discrete choice models, among others.
46. Person icon (29x43)Oscar Bolina (c.1959-)
American mathematician
2010Chapter: “Society from the Statistical Mechanics Perspective”. [2]
47.Dan Cobley 75Dan Cobley (c.1960-)
English physicist and marketing director
2010Noted for his implementation of physics concepts such as Newton's second law, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the scientific method, and the second law of thermodynamics to explain the fundamental theories of branding.
48.Curtis Blakely ()
American justice systems professor
2010Article in "Sub-atomic Particles and Prisoners: a Novel Examination of Socio-Physics and Penology".
49. Alberto Douce (c.1951-)
American geologist
2011 In his Thermodynamics of Earth and Planets, he lists as one of his research interests the application of statistical physics to human societies.

See also
HT pioneers
HC pioneer
HMS pioneers

1. Gallo, Ignacio. (2009). “An Equilibrium Approach to Modelling Social Interaction.” PhD thesis, University of Bologna. July.
2. Oscar Bolina (2010). “Society from the Statistical Mechanics Perspective”; in: Applications in Models, Artificial Neural Networks and Arts (ch. 3, pgs. ), by Capecchi, V.; Buscema, M.; Contucci, P.; D'Amore, B. (Eds.). Springer, Nov.
3. McCauley, Joseph L. (2008). “Evolution of FX Markets via Globalization of Capital”, in: Evolution from Cellular to Social Scales (editors: Arne Skjeltorp and Alexander Belushkin) (pg. 125). Springer Science & Business Media.
6. Econophysics research (Victor Yakovenko’s group) – physics department, University of Maryland.
7. (a) Boltzmann, Ludwig. (2006). Ludwig Boltzmann 1844-1906 (pg. 113). Austrian Central Library for Physics.
(b) Yakovenko, Victor M. and Rosser, J. Barkley. (2009). “Colloquium: Statistical Mechanics of Money, Wealth, and Income”, ArXiv, Dec 24.
8. (a) Savoiu, Gheorghe and Iorga-Siman, Ion. (2008). “Some Relevant Econophysics’ Moments of History, Definitions, Methods, Models and New Trends” (pdf), Romanian Economic and Business Review 3 (3), 29-41.
(b) Nicolas-Francois Canard – Wikipedia.

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