In atheism, Hecht atheism quiz is the 2003 belief quiz made by atheism historian Jennifer Hecht, as found in her Doubt: a History, comprised of 13 question yes or no style questions related to beliefs: believer, agnostic, or atheist; one, according to Hecht, has to answer "NO" to the first seven questions, at a minimum, to be an atheist.

Quiz | Belief
The following is Hecht's doubt quiz, from in her Doubt: a History, namely 13 yes or no style quiz questions concerning beliefs: [1][N1][N2]

Not SureSmart Atheism Corrections
1.Do you believe that a particular religious tradition holds accurate knowledge of the ultimate nature of reality and the purpose of human life?

[Life]: this does not exist (see: life does not exist); movement exists, but to call some times of movement as "alive" is Lotka jabberwocky (see: regarding definitions).
[See: Life terminology upgrades]
[Purpose]: This is an Aristotelian misnomer concept confusion; correctly free energy inflection points do exist, but to all such as “purpose” [see: chemical teleology] is but anthropomorphism.
2.Do you believe that some thinking being [or god] consciously made the universe?

3.Is there an identifiable force [or god] coursing through the universe, holding it together, or uniting all life-forms?

[Correction]: forces exist and are exchanged through the universe; but there is no such thing as a "life form".
4.Could prayer be in any way effective, that is, do you believe that such a being [or god] or force (as posited above) could ever be responsive to your thoughts or words?

5.Do you believe this being or force [or god] can think or speak?

6.Do you believe this being [or god] has a memory or can make plans?

7.Does this force [or god] sometimes take a human form?

8.Do you believe that the thinking part [consciousness ] or animating force [soul, spirit, etc.] of a human being continues to exist after the body has died?

[Confusion]: force is not conserved (see: conservation of force), but energy is (see: conservation of energy); she is trying to use "animating force" as synonym of "soul", in effect saying: does one's soul or spirit survived death.
[Death]: does not exist (corollary #1 of life does not exist).
9.Do you believe that any part of a human being survives death, elsewhere or here on earth?

[Death]: does not exist (corollary #1 of life does not exist).
10. Do you believe that feelings about things should be admitted as evidence in establishing reality?

11.Do you believe that love and inner feelings of morality suggest that there is a world beyond that of biology, social patterns, and accident — i.e., a realm of higher meaning?

[Accident]: does not exist (Spinoza); it is fate misnamed (Bonaparte); fate is force that has not shown itself (Shakespeare).
[See: Love terminology upgrades]
[See: Sociology terminology upgrades]
12.Do you believe that the world is not completely knowable by science?

13.If someone were to say "The universe is nothing but an accidental pile of stuff, jostling around with no rhyme nor reason, and all life on earth is but a tiny, utterly inconsequential speck of nothing, in a corner of space, existing in the blink of an eye never to be judged, noticed, or remembered," would you say, "Now that's going a bit far, that's a bit wrongheaded?"

[Accident]: does not exist (Spinoza);
[Rhyme and reason]: these exist (see: Adams creed).
[Judgment]: consequence to action does exist (see: second law of motion).
[Speck]: see: human molecular formula, as opposed to "pond scum" models.


N1. The smart atheism corrections column, shown at right, to note, is add to correct the dumb atheism (and or ignorant atheism) embedded in Hecht's original questions
N2. The [god] and [soul] clarification boxes were added, above, to note, after Angela Jabari took the Hecht atheist test [answering all NO (after clarification on the essential meaning of questions 3, 6, 9, and 13)], and getting confused about some of the questions not being written with direct language, e.g. #6 "does this force sometimes take human form", could mean "is a human held together by a force just as a water molecule is held together by the force of covalent force", or #3 "is there a force that holds and binds the universe", could be answered yes by an atheist if they believe in the existence of god-free force or energy.

Results | Meaning
The following, according to Hecht, is what scoring determines:


Answered No to all these questionsYou’re a hard-core atheist and of a certain variety: a rational materialist.

You said No to the first seven, but then had a few Yes answersYou’re still an atheist, but you may have what I will call a "pious relationship" to the universe.

Your answers to the first seven questions contained at least two Not Sure answers.You’re an agnostic.

You answered Yes to some of the questionsYou may still be an atheist or agnostic, though not of the materialist variety.

You answered Yes to nine or moreYou are a believer.

In 2008, Hemant Mehta, similar in some sense to the above, posted a 50-point “Are You a Hardcore Atheist?” listing. (Ѻ)

See also
Dawkins scale
Atheism types by denial and belief
Atheist’s creed
● Atheist’s denials

1. (a) Hecht, Jennifer M. (2003). Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas (doubt quiz, pgs. x-xi). HarperOne.
(b) Conan, Neal. (2003). “'Doubt: A History': Test Your Faith with A Quiz from Author Jennifer Hecht” (Ѻ),, Nov 13.

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