Heinrich BrugschIn existographies, Heinrich Brugsch (1827-1894) (CR:12) was a German Egyptologist noted for []

In 1843, Brugsch, age 16, applied himself with success to the decipherment of Demotic, which had been neglected since the death (dereaction) of Jean Champollion in 1832.

In 1867, Brugsch published some of his lectures on Egyptian mythology and Christianity, e.g. Moses and monuments described in the Bible. (Ѻ)

In 1904, English Egyptologist Wallis Budge, in his two-volume The Gods of the Egyptians, cites Maspero over 130+ times; the gist summary of Brugsch’s contribution, in so far as religio-mythology goes, being summarized as follows:

“Modern scientific study of the Egyptian religion and mythology may be said to have begun with the publication in full of the texts, both hieratic and hieroglyphic, of the Heliopolitan, Theban, and Sai'te Recensions of the Book of the Dead (peb-em-hbu), and of the cognate funeral texts, such as The Book of what is in the Underworld, The Book of Breathings, The Book of Transformations, the ‘Lamentations’, and the ‘Festival Songs of Isis and Nephthys’, &c. The first to attempt to build up on a large scale a system of Egyptian theology and mythology from ancient native works was the late Dr. Heinrich Brugsch, who collected and published in his Religion und Mythologie der alten AEgypter [Religion and Mythology of the Egyptians], Leipzig, 1885-1888, a mass of facts of the greatest importance, and a summary of the conclusions which he deduced from them.”


Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Brugsch:

Brugsch [c.1888] has suggested that this ape is a form of Thoth as the god of ‘equilibrium’, and that it elsewhere symbolizes the equinoxes.”
— George Mead (1906), Thrice-Great Hermes (pgs. 55-56)

1. (a) Budge, Wallis. (1904). The Gods of the Egyptians, Volume One (Brugsch, 75+ pgs; quote, pg. ix). Dover, 1969.
(b) Budge, Wallis. (1904). The Gods of the Egyptians, Volume Two (Brugsch, 59+ pgs). Dover, 1969.

External links
Heinrich Karl Brugsch – Wikipedia.

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