Heinrich LenzIn science, Heinrich Lenz (1804-1865) was Russian physicist noted for []

Lenz’s law
In 1833, Lenz, stimulated (Ѻ) by Michael Faraday's first paper on induction, began to conduct a number of general induction experiments; the result of which is arrival of the following statement, in short: [1]

“The induced electromotive force is in such a direction as to oppose, or tend to oppose, the change that produced it.”

A more detailed version, of this so-named “Lenz’s law”, from William Watson’s Textbook of Physics (1899), reads as follows: (Ѻ)

“The direction of the induced current produced in a conductor due to the movement of a magnet, or to that of a circuit in which a current is flowing, is always such as, by the action of the induced current on the" magnet or current-conveying conductor, to produce a force tending to oppose the motion.”

Lenz's law
An illustration of “Lenz’s law”, wherein a permanent magnet showing moving, to the right at a given velocity, towards a conducting wire, or conceptualized section of copper pipe, which is conductive, but non-magnetic, according to which the movement of the permanent magnetic field will act to produced induced current in the ring, which in turn produced an induced magnetic field, in a direction opposite to the moving permanent magnetic field, thereby slowing or opposing its motion.
This phenomena, seemingly, is equivalent to an electromagnetic Le Chatelier’s principle; it thereby illustrates, supposedly, how electromagnetic circuits obey the third law of motion and the conservation of energy. [2]

In 2015, Libb Thims, in his “Zerotheism for Kids” lecture, did the Lenz’s law experiment to distinguish the gravitational force from the electromagnetic force, and how the former only effects a falling rock, whereas both forces effect and operate on humans, whether falling off a cliff or falling in love.

In 1838, Lenz froze a drop of water using Jean Peltier’s thermoelectric method. [3]

1. (a) Tipler, Paul and Mosca, Gene. (2004). Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 2: Electricity, Magnetism, Light, and Elementary Modern Physics (§28-3: Lenz’s Law, pgs. 903-). MacMillan.
(b) Lenz’s law (animation) – RegentsPrep.org.
2. (a) Schmitt, Ron. (2002). Electromagnetics Explained (pg. 75). Newnes.
(b) Lenz’s law – Wikipedia.
3. Shachtman, Tom. (1999). Absolute Zero and the Quest for Absolute Cold (pg. 86). New York: Mariner Books.

External links
Heinrich Lenz – Wikipedia.

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