photo neededIn existographies, Horus Gilgamesh (c.1965-) (FA:158) is the pen name, an amalgamation of Horus (of Egyptian mythology) + Gilgamesh (of Sumerian mythology), of the author of the 2013 Awkward Moments Children’s Bible, a realitychildren’s atheist bible” of sorts, in three volumes (2013-2015), which puts ridicule to the various taken-at-face-value nonsense passages and stories in the Bible, e.g. maternal imagination theory, morality, eating the body and blood of Christ, which derives from the eating of corn bread of the body of Osiris and drinking the wine of Horus, aka festival of Bacchus in Greco-Roman terms, which took place during the annual festival of the Passion of Osiris (aka Passion of Christ), making Eve from Adam’s rib (which comes from Sumerian mythology, see: clay creation myth; Adam and Eve), Eve talking to the snake in the Garden of Eden (which comes from Hesiod’s version of Pandora’s box), among others. [1]

In 2011, Gilgamesh, together with some of his PhD Biblical scholarship and general history friends, started an Awkward Bible joke Facebook page, which by 2013 had some 14,000+ fans, and therein the idea for the book emerged. In 2014, the second volume was published.

Atheism | Beliefs
Gilgamesh, in youth was raised Catholic, then became a “born again” Christian in college, wherein he directed his efforts towards ministry, youth evangelism, and Biblical literacy. In 2014, Gilgamesh, in podcast interview (Ѻ) with Hemant Mehta, stated that he doesn’t believe in the existence of god, but yet does not identify with the term atheist, specifically “I kind of reject the word”, pre reasons of social bond breakages and social sparks that atheism self-identification brings up, e.g. he states the atheism = evil ideology, e.g. that some believe atheists are people who “wake up each morning and bite the head off living puppies”; in short, he seems to be the so-called “atheism label phase”.

Kid’s Koran | Awkward Moments
On 31 May 2015, Gilgamesh posted that they were cancelling publication of the Islamic version of Awkward Moments, owing to the various American soil cartoon shootings, such as Texas Draw Mohammed shooting (5 May 2015), among other recent police encounters. [3]

See also
Watson Heston
Zerotheism for kids

1. Gilgamesh, Horus and Tickheathen, Agnes. (2013). Awkward Moments Children’s Bible, Volume One (Foreword: David McAfee) (eB) (Ѻ) (Get Back to Work, pgs. 15-16). CreateSpace.
2. Horus Gilgamesh (about) –
3. (a) About –
(b) Awkward Bible – Facebook.
4. Gilgamesh, Horus. (2013). “Cancelled: Kid’s Koran (Thanks to Islam)” (Ѻ), Awkward Moments, May 31.

Further reading
● Gilgamesh, Horus and Tickheathen, Agnes. (2013). Awkward Moments Children’s Bible, Volume Two (Foreword: David McAfee) (Amz). CreateSpace.

External links
Home –
Horus Gilgamesh – Facebook.
Horus Gilgamesh – Twitter.

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