Religious beliefs (by country) (new2)
The distributions of modern belief systems in terms of religious ignorance level; France being the least ignorant country, religiously-speaking.
In categorizations, ignorance, or someone who is "ignorant", refers to a lack of basic or essential knowledge in general or on specific topics. The gist of the term ignorance is captured well in the following famous words of German polymath Goethe, possessor of a 5,000-book library:

“If one does not know what went on for the last three thousand years, he or she remains ignorant, merely surviving from day-to-day.”

“The first and last thing which is required of genius is the love of truth.”

The ignorant person, in short, eschews the truth, existing in indifferent ambivalence to reality and extant knowledge of the universe.

Religious ignorance
About 72 percent of the world, as documented in terms of belief per country adjacent, are "ignorant" about the fact that their religion, be it Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism, has the same parentage of Egyptian mythology, namely Anunian theology, all centered around the cyclical life-death-rebirth theory of the sun Ra, and the resurrection or reincarnation morality theory derived therefrom, and that as such the God does not exist, but is in fact a defunct theory of olden days.

This type of ignorance is deeply ingrained.

Learned ignorance
The highest level of ignorance is what can be defined learned ignorance or “ivory tower” ignorance, namely ignorance possessed those in the highest university towers of intellectual development, with tenure (job and retirement security), with an anchor of peer-reviewed journal publications, YouTube video celebrity science channel of scientific celebrity, in certain circles, etc., but yet not humble to the edge of knowledge, as Scottish physician-chemist William Cullen was in his 1748 chemistry Glasgow University lectures, wherein he introduced a number of pioneering concepts, such as the “chemical equation”, to his students, e.g. Joseph Black, during the entire course of which he maintained a humble reserve for knowledge (and to the vastness of the land of the two cultures and to the now near-unattainableness of universal genius mindset, which is said to have peaked in the Goethe-Helmholtz mindset, the last universal geniuses on record), using phrases such as “as far as I know”, this is the way science sees things, etc.,—the pinnacle example of ivory tower ignorance being Irish physicist Philip Moriarty, who, being overly pompous in his YouTube Channel 60 Symbols and tenured position at Nottingham University, in the 2009 summary words of Steven Pierce, defending his position that an arrangement of students in a field “does not have a thermodynamic entropy” (which is incorrect), can aptly be describe as an “uptight academic community with neither the depth nor will to understand your unique work, defending their own turf like dogs”, completely ignorant that German polymath Johann Goethe proved this, thermodynamically, over 200-years ago (see: Goethe timeline)—and when attacked in the street about his theory, calmly explained that “I’m sorry you feel that way, but the principles contained in the novella are true” (a proposition validated in 1882 by German physician-physicist Hermann Helmholtz).

Other ivory tower ignoramuses include: Paul Samuelson (1972; economics), Stephen Lower (2007; physical chemistry), Philip Moriarty (2009; physics), Mitch Garcia (2010; nuclear chemistry), Marcin Borkowski (2010; analytical chemistry), overly pompous in their deflated view of reality (see: crackpot), who each view Goethe, the smartest person ever (see: Genius IQs) (last universal genius), and his 1796 human chemical thermodynamics morality theory as “crackpot”, whereas in the correct sense, as Goethe viewed things (and as modern human chemical thermodynamics views things), his theory is true—thus, two centuries have passed and we are still in the ridicule stage of scientific truth, with many, such as Samuelson, Lower, Moriarty, Garcia, Borkowski, and a large percentage of the modern scientific body, existing in complete and blind ignorance of reality—and not just day-to-day ignorance, but two-century long delayed and regressed ignorance—a pitiful situation, to say the least—a state of affairs possibly akin to something like Hypatia must have experienced for promotion of heliocentrism, and being stoned-to-termination for this (415AD), some 1,128-years before it was even tentatively accepted as truth (Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs, 1543), or some 1,218-years before it would be possible to give published public support for it as truth without being tried for “suspicion of heresy” and put under house arrest (Galileo, religion vs science legal cases, 1633); and some 2,420-years before one could get fired from their job for teaching it (religion vs science legal cases, 2005).

Newcomers to this subject would be wise to heed the following words of French physicist Sadi Carnot, from his "rules of conduct" personal notes: [1]

“Say little about what you know and nothing at all about what you don’t know. When a discussion degenerates into a dispute, keep silent. Do not do anything which the whole world cannot know about.”

To be a leading openly atheist scientist, but yet be hmolscience-ignorant is a very difficult to explain, understand, and discern type of ignorance, let alone address, but a type of "learned ignorance" that can only be grasped in heated debates, such as the Rossini debate (2007), Moriarty-Thims debate (2009), etc., very difficult to put into words. The following quote by American philosopher Ralph Emerson (1803-1882) captures a gist of this type of learned ignorance:

“All before Goethe are ancients, and all who have read him are modern.”

which in a modern sense, in respect to scientific ignorance, should correctly read:

“All before Goethe are ancients, and all who have read and understood his Elective Affinities are modern.”

To exemplify, American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims was "completely" ignorant of Goethe and his grand 1796 human chemistry theory until 2006 when he discovered him via footnote 2.5 of the 1984 Order Out of Chaos by Belgian chemist Ilya Prigogine, and this was after searching for this theory for eleven years.

Goethe stated, in 1809, that his theory is "true" and according to modern chemical thermodynamics, the science that governs the actions of the known universe, it is true—the repercussions of which are wide and far reaching—yet conclusions nearly foreign in concept and mindset to the modern scientist (e.g. Lubos Motl, Mitch Garcia, Marcin Borkowski, Philip Moriarty, Stephen Lower, John Wojcik, Edward Sanville, Steve Fuller, Tominaga Keii, Pitirim Sorokin, to name a few) who is completely ignorant and repellant to the viewpoint of humans (a) being animated molecules or chemicals, (b) moving about on a surface governed by the laws of energy and entropy, according to which (c) that human free energies determine what is moral and amoral in the human affairs and actions.

The following are related quotes:

“Let no one enter here who is ignorant of mathematics.”
Plato (360BC), plaque over door to his academy, a motto supposedly learned from his studies in Egypt [2]

1. (a) Personal notes of Sadi Carnot (category: rules of conduct).
(b) In: Mendoza, E. (1960). “Introduction” (section) in Carnot, Sadi. (1824). “Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire and on Machines Fitted to Develop that Power.” Paris: Chez Bachelier, Libraire, Quai Des Augustins, No. 55. (1960, Dover edition).
2. Malieth, Monydit (aka Tonnerre). (2013). The Future Affects the Past: What Destination is Time Rushing To? (pg. 47). Red Lead Books.

External links
Ignorance – Wikipedia.

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