James JoyceIn existographies, James Joyce (1882-1941) (GLA:12|43+) was an Irish writer noted for his 1915 characterizations of beauty and truth, in his A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, for his 1922 Ulysses, the mechanics of which are said to be based on a “fairly Newtonian model”, in which he uses scientism of his age as a mode of psychological insight and character development, and for his 1939 Finnegans Wake, from which the term “quark” derives. [1]

Joyce was said to have been influenced by Otto Weininger. [4]

In particle physics, American physicist Murray Gell-Mann, as a ten year old read Joyce’s notoriously difficult Finnegans Wake, and would later name the subatomic particles of the nucleid, protons and neutrons, i.e. quarks (up quark and down quark), which are found bound in groups of three, after the phrase “Three quarks for Muster Mark” from the book. [2]

Moral continuity
The term “metempsychosis”, the Greek term for the theory of the transmigration of the soul, especially in its reincarnation after death, a doctrine popular in the Eastern religious, namely Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Druzism, wherein an individual incarnates from one body to another, either human, animal, or plant, which has been used by Arthur Schopenhauer, Kurt Godel, and in Ulysses, where it is associated with Friedrich Nietzsche.

The following are noted quotes:

“The true and the beautiful are akin. Truth is beheld by the intellect which is appeased by the most satisfying relations of the intelligible: beauty is beheld by the imagination which is appeased by the most satisfying relations of the sensible.”
— James Joyce (1915), A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man [3]

1. Morrisson, Mark S. (2009). “Science”, in: James Joyce in Context (editor: John McCourt) (§30: pgs. 343-54; pg. 348). Cambridge.
2. Murray Gell-Mann – Achievement.org.
3. Farmelo, Graham. (2009). The Strangest Man: the Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom (pg. 140). Basic Books.
4. Raymont, Paul. (2008). “Schwarzspanierstrasse 15” (Ѻ), Blogspot, Aug 30.

External links
James Joyce – Wikipedia.

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