photo neededIn existographies, Johannes Hubritus Cornelius Lisman (c.1900-c.1990) (CR:7), often cited as J.H.C. Lisman, was a Dutch scientist noted, in economic thermodynamics, for []

In 1946, Lisman, in his book Econometrics, Statistics, and Thermodynamics, presented a compilation of various previously published articles.

In 1949, Lisman, in his “Econometrics and Thermodynamics: A Remark on Davis’ Theory of Budgets”, in which he picks apart the economic equations, via the employment of the thermodynamic isomorphisms (or mathematical isomorphism) technique, of American mathematician Harold Davis, concluding that none of the variables Davis used in his mathematical economic models seem to play the same role as entropy in thermodynamics. [1]

Lisman seems to have co-authored the 1931 article “The melting-curve of hydrogen to 450 kg/cm2”. [2]

1. (a) Lisman, Johannes H.C. (1946). Econometrics, Statistics, and Thermodynamics: a Compilation and Extension of Different Statistical Papers Published in Various Journals. The Netherlands Postal and Telecommunications Service.
(b) Lisman, Johannes H.C. (1949). “Econometrics and Thermodynamics: A Remark on Davis’ Theory of Budgets” (abs), Econometrica, XVII, 59-62.
(c) Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas. (1971). The Entropy Law and the Economic Process (pg. 17). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
2. Keesom, W.H. and Lisman, J.H.C. (1931). "The melting- curve of hydrogen to 450 kg/cm2," Kon. Akad. van Wetens. Amst. Proc. 34, 598.

Further reading
● Lisman, J.H.C. and De Man, R. (1985). “Entropy: Letter to the Editor”, Statistica, 45: 115-17.

External links
Lisman, J.H.C. – WorldCat Identities.

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