photo neededIn existographies, John Herapath (1790-1868) was an English physicist noted for []

In 1820, Herapath, in his “On the Causes, Laws and Phenomena of Heat, Gases, Gravitation”, on the kinetic theory of gases, argued that motion stops at absolute zero of temperature, a precursor to the third law of thermodynamics. [1] Herapath's paper was originally rejected by Humphry Davy of the Royal Society, but later published the following year in the Annals of Philosophy. [2]

Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Herapath:

“Hooke's kinetic theory of heat and matter was then forgotten for many years, until the Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli rediscovered the kinetic theory of gases in 1738. Bernoulli's work was in turn ignored until the idea was revived by two uninfluential English amateurs, John Herapath and John Waterston, in 1820 and 1845. Only with the work of James Joule in the 1840s, and Rudolf Clausius and James Maxwell in the 1860s, did the kinetic theory of heat and matter achieve general acceptance.”
— Stephen Inwood (2001), The Man Who Knew Too Much (pg. 276)

1. Lindley, David. (2001). Boltzmann’s Atom: the Great Debate that Launched a Revolution in Physics (pg. 3). The Free Press.
2. Herapath, John. (1821). "On the Causes, Laws and Phenomena of Heat, Gases, Gravitation," Annals of Philosophy, 9: 273–293

Further reading
● Brush, Stephen. (1969). The Life and Works of John Herapath, 1790-1868: An introduction to the reprint of his Mathematical Physics and other selected papers. Publisher.

External links
John Herapath – Wikipedia.

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