Journal cover
JHT cover (2010)
Journal details
Thermodynamics, chemistry, physics, humanities, philosophy
Institute of Human Thermodynamics
2005, 2008-2013, 2015-present
Review board
Fee = $0, submission or access
HomepageExternal link icon (c)
In journals, Journal of Human Thermodynamics (JHT) is a semi-annual publication of articles on topics related to the thermodynamics of human existence and experience, on topics ranging from atoms, entropy, relationships, society, to wealth, etc., inclusive of connective topics in chemistry, physics, and or physical chemistry, as well as place for book reviews, on recently-published articles or books on human thermodynamics and the related, and or letters to the editor. [1]

The JHT is an open-access, free of charge, online journal maintained by the Institute of Human Thermodynamics, articles being hosted at the URL:
The JHT, is a periodic publication of articles on thermodynamics and its applications to human states, processes, and transformations of existences as contributed by human thermodynamicists, and related researchers, scientists, and writers in the field.

The following are submission requirements:

1) Article
(formatted into provided JHT template pageExternal link icon (c)).

2) Human thermodynamics variables table
(thermodynamics "variables" mapped or correlated to the terms, conceptions, and or entities of the "humanities" and put in the form of a table of human thermodynamic variables)

3) Homework problems
(provide two end of article homework problems or exercises).

These two end of article additions are to be formatted into the JHT template page in the slots provided.

Review board
See main: JHT review board
The review process for JHT articles in the years 2005 to 2010 has been somewhat haphazard, involving a combination of email exchanges and online discussion. In 2011, the Mohsen Mohsen-Nia article “A Thermodynamic Methodology for Evaluating Friendship Relations Stability” article was tested using open beta review format, wherein selected reviewers were requested to give comments and critiques, in wiki threads or via email.

In 2012, an effort was initiated by Thims to establish a formal review board for the JHT, similar to the public listing of the online Entropy journal, so as to facilitate and speed the mechanism of the review process. [4]
The following are the current JHT board members: Libb Thims, Jing Chen, Jeff Tuhtan, Josip Stepanić, Mohsen Mohsen-Nia, Kalyan Annamalai, Gerard Nahum, David Porreca, and Curtis Blakely.

JHT citation format
See main: JHT formatting
A good rule of thumb is to the the same citation format that is found in Hmolpedia articles.
The following are a few example JHT citations in Google Books or Google Scholar, wherein the JHT is mentioned or has one its articles cited:

● (a) Nahle, Nasif. (2009). “A Thermodynamic Description of Life and Death in Biosystems”, Journal of Human Thermodynamics, 5: 7-14.
(b) Feng, Hao. (2010). Ultrasound Technology for Food Bioprocessing (Nahle, pgs. 110, 122). Springer.
● Pati, Surya P., Padhi, Mousumi, and Kumar, Pankaj. (2010). “Influencing Employee Attitudes through HR Practices: an Exploration Study in Indian IT sector.” (abs) International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 3(6): 607-22.

Review process
See main: JHT review process
The review process for the JHT is diagrammed in the following flow chart schematic:

1. Articles are formatted (using the JHT template pageExternal link icon (c))
2. Articles are sent to Libb Thims (as attachment to:
3. Submissions, if approved, are formatted further for "readability" by Thims, and then put into a review wiki page (filed under the JHT submissions page).
4. Thims emails the JHT board members and initiates the review process.
5. Article, if it passes the peer review process, is published and subsequently enters into Google Scholar.

In short, JHT article submissions, in Word document format, are collected by Libb Thims, sent to him as attachments, primarily via or sometimes via The submitted articles are accumulated, as the year progresses, stored in computer file. At a point later in the year, Thims uploads each article into a JHT formatted online wiki page at the beta review site: JHT beta (submissions)External link icon (c), each as a separate online article, ready to undergo the peer review and article improvement process, each review wiki article filed as a subpage to the JHT beta (submissions) header page.

Thims then emails everyone (review board members and collective set of submitting authors) that the set of articles are ready for the open beta review process, and that everyone (review board members + authors + other interested parties) is now invited to review and comment on the said articles, through the following means of communication: (a) threads below each article, (b) text comments added into a review section at the top or bottom of wiki page of the article itself [as article changes can be tracked, changed, and or reverted via the "about this update" and "complete history" links, below each article], (c) email reviews sent back to Thims (e.g. via word document attachment or email comments), or (d) other means the reviewer may think of to communicate his or her critique.

A 2012 video on the process of paper submission to Nature, founded in 1869 by Norman Lockyer, with contributions from his X Club, including: Joseph Hooker, Herbert Spencer, John tyndall.

Topics not accepted
As a standing rule, the following are topics not accepted for JHT article submission:

God theories
Information theories
Life theories

There are exceptions to the above, e.g., in regards to religion (or religious thermodynamics), if the article discusses morality, such as Goethe's famous "moral symbols" of physical chemistry, or aspects of history of comparative religion and mythology in connection to modern hmolscience topics, etc., among other possibilities; although these types of submissions can only be discerned on a case by case basis, as often hidden agenda is difficult to discern. In addition, as of 2012, following prolonged multi-year debate, discussion, and development of the defunct theory of life (2009) position, life theories and origin of life theories are now classified as perpetual motion of the living kind theories, and hence not accepted as JHT submissions, just as is the case with any other perpetual motion theory. In the famous 1938 wisdom of English physiologist Charles Sherrington: chemistry and physics do not recognize the term "life", hence neither does the JHT.

JHT (Google listing)
A 2012 Google listing profile for the Journal of Human Thermodynamics, showing the URL location at which articles are freely-available as pdfs.
The 2005-launched motto of the JHT—a spin on the Nobel Prize motto—was:

“To Promote the Art and Science of Human Thermodynamics for the Betterment of the Human Kind.”

In 2012 retrospect reflection, knowing that thermodynamics and physical science in general is strongly deterministic, meaning that the fate/destiny of humankind is already determined, a more apt motto might be: “To Promote the Art and Science of Human Thermodynamics for the Better Understanding of Human Existence.” A better motto may be suggested as well.

The ISSN for the JHT is 1559-386X as registered with the US ISSN Center and listed in the OCLC. [2] The JHT is listed in Ulrich's Periodical Directory under category "energy". [3]

Fisher variable table (1892)
American economisit Irving Fisher's economics thermodynamics variable table, from his 1892 PhD dissertation Mathematical Investigations into the Theory of Value and Prices, described by Paul Samuelson as "the best of all doctoral dissertations in economics", the content of which was heavily influenced by the physics, chemical thermodynamics, and vector analysis teachings of his advisor, American engineer Willard Gibbs.
Variables table
In 2011, following the discovery of American economisit Irving Fisher's economics thermodynamics variable table, shown adjacent, wherein Fisher defines a human as a "particle" (see: human particle), as found in American physical economics historian Philip Mirowski's 1989 More Heat Than Light, JHT founder Libb Thims began to request human thermodynamics variables table from submitting authors, so to (a) define what exactly the view the human to be, in their models, and (b) to define exactly how they see or view every other "variable" (or property) in their article, so to keep presentations away or aloof from obfuscation, misrepresentation, and or confusion.

See also
JHT: Journal article potentials

1. (a) Journal of Human Thermodynamics, Chicago: IoHT Publishing.
(b) Journal of Human Thermodynamics – Google Books.
(c) Journal of Human Thermodynamics –
2. (a) ISSN = International Standard Serial Number.
(b) JHT is registered with the US ISSN Center and listed in the OCLC (Online Computer Library Center).
3. Journal of Human ThermodynamicsUlrich's Periodical Directory (category "energy").
4. Editorial board –

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