In religio-mythology, Jupiter, the name of the 5th planet from the sun, the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Zeus, the Greek equivalent or rescript of the Egyptian god Osiris (Taylor, 1829) and or Amen-Ra, depending.
Th following are related quotes:
“Ethiopians inhabit the country immediately above Elephantine, and one half of the island; the other half is inhabited by Egyptians. Meroe is said to be the capital of all Ethiopia. The inhabitants worship no other gods than Jupiter and Bacchus; but these they honor with great magnificence; they have also an oracle of Jupiter; and they make war, whenever that god bids them by an oracular warning, and against whatever country he bids them.”— Herodotus (c.435BC), The Histories (pg. 92)
“And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.”— Thomas Jefferson (1823), “Letter to John Adams”, Apr 11 (Ѻ)
“Cicero mentions four of this name. Pausanias and Herodotus, rank Apollo among the Egyptian deities. Diodorus Siculus expressly states, that Isis, after having invented the practice of medicine, taught this art to her son Orus [Horus], named also Apollo, who was the last of the gods that reigned in Egypt. It is easy to trace almost all the Grecian fables and mythologies from Egypt. If the Apollo of the Greeks, was said to be the son of Jupiter, it was because Orus [Horus], the Apollo of the Egyptians, had Osiris for his father, whom the Greeks confounded with Jupiter.”— Robert Taylor (1829), The Diegesis (pg. 180)