“Leonardo’s comparison of the elements is made explicit in the text where he mentions Heron of Alexandria’s steam-driven rotating ball, the Eolipile, as a demonstration of applied pressure created by the heat.”— Michael Desmond (2000), Leonardo da Vinci: the Codex Leicester: Notebook of a Genius (pg. 116)
“When air [steam] is condensed into rain it will produce a vacuum, if the rest of the air does not prevent this by filling its place, as it does with a violent rush; and this is the wind which rises in the summer time, accompanied by heavy rain.”— Leonardo da Vinci (1505), “Of Rainbows and Rain” (#480); MS E (back cover); Reti (1969) translation [21]
“The motion of the air is seen by the motion of the dust thrown up by the horse’s running and this motion is as swift in again filling up the ‘vacuum’ left in the air which enclosed the horse, as he is rapid in passing away the air.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1505), The Literary Works (pg. 304)
“And if you want to convince yourself that water is not drawn up by fire, make a hole in the vessel m at point p, and you will see that the water will not leave its place.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1505), Codex Leicester (Ѻ)
“Despite this deviation, he accurately describes that a ‘vacuum’ effect, not heat, draws the water up. He applies the specific result of the experiment to the real world, arguing that in an open system, with the necessary hole on the side of the mountain as an outlet for water, the application of heat from above would not draw water up but air in.”— Author (1996), Codex Leicester: a Masterpiece of Science (pg. 56); cited by Michael Desmond (2000) in: Leonardo da Vinci: the Codex Leicester: Notebook of a Genius (pg. 44)
“Motion is the cause of all life.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500), “Philosophical Maxim” (#1139) [20]
“Where there is life there is heat, and where vital heat is, there is movement of vapor.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500), “On the Nature of Water” (#941) [20]
While difficult to say just what this device is; the following seem to pointing to what this is:
“In 1504, da Vinci sketched a machine using steam, and this survives in his Codex Leicester (later renamed the Codex Hammer and now owned by Bill Gates). His design involved steam from a metal receptacle to power a pulley, but there is no indication whether or not he put this idea into practice, or even manufactured the machines that he drew.”— Kenneth Henderson (2014), Encyclopedia of the Industrial Revolution in World History, Volume Three (pg. 903)
“To our greatest surprise, all the famous ‘theorems’ of Salomon de Caus, which made him one of the founding fathers of the conquest of steam power, had been clearly enunciated by Leonardo, as shown in my cited publication. Leonardo da Vinci attempted to determine the volume of steam obtainable by evaporating a given amount of water, long before Della Porta (1606), as can be seen in the familiar folio 10r of the Codex Leicester. Less known in the same Codex (fol. 15r) is Leonardo's description of other analogous experiments, revealing an amazing knowledge of the relation existing between volume, temperature, and pressure of vapors and gases. His approximate estimation of the quantity of steam evolved by the evaporation of an ounce of water points to the ratio 1:1,500. J.B. Besson, in his 1569 L’ Art et la Science de Trouver les Eaux, still believed that the proportion was 1:10, a ratio raised to 1:255 in the famous experiments of Jean Rey. It was not until 1683 that a better estimate 1:2,000 was made by Samuel Moreland, the correct figure being around 1:1,700.”— Ladislao Reti (1969), “Leonardo da Vinci the Technologist: the Problem of Prime Movers” (pg. #)
See main: Da Vinci engineIn 1508, da Vinci, in his folio 16v of MS F, sketched a heat engine, shown below:
described as follows:
“A mechanism to lift heavy weights. To lift a heavy weight with fire, like a cupping glass. And the vessel should be one braccio [about 2 feet] wide and ten long, and should be strong. It should be lit from below like a bombard (Ѻ) and the touchhole rapidly and immediately closed on top. The bottom, that has a very strong leather, like a bellow, will rise and this is the way to lift any heavy weight.”— Leonardo da Vinci (1508), “note on device to lift heavy weight with fire”, Folio 16v of MS F [17]
“The only detail that differentiates Leonardo’s machine from those of Huygens and Papin is the system adopted for raising the weight sustained by the piston. Huygens and Papin use a pulley and rope transmission (the same that Leonardo adopted in his experiments with steam), while Leonardo preferred to attach a rod to the bottom of the piston.”— Ladislao Reti (1969), “Leonardo da Vinci the Technologist: the Problem of Prime Movers” [17]
“I reveal to me the origin of their second – first or perhaps second – cause of existence. Though these figures will be shown the cause of many dangers of ulcers and diseases. Division of the spiritual from the material parts. And how the child breathes and how it is nourished through the umbilical cord; and why one soul governs two bodies, as when one sees that the mother desires a certain food and the child bears the mark of it. And why the child [born] at eight months does not live. Here Avicenna contends that the soul gives birth to the body and every member, but he is in error. In the case of this child the heart does not beat and it does not breath because it lies continually in water. And if it were to breathe it would be drowned, and breathing is not necessary to it because it receives life and is nourished from the life and food of the mother. And this food nourished such creature in just the same way as it does the other parts of the mother, namely the hands, feet and other members. And a single soul governs these two bodies, and the desires and fears and pains are common to this creature as to all the other animated members. And from this it proceeds that a thing desired by the mother is often found engraved upon those parts of the child which the mother keeps in herself at the time of such desire; and a sudden fear kills both mother and child. We conclude therefore that a single soul governs the bodies and nourishes the two [bodies].”
“The soul seems to reside in the judgment, and the judgment would seem to be seated in that part where all the senses meet; and this is called the ‘common sense’ and is not all-pervading throughout the body as many have thought. Rather it is entirely in one part. Because, if it were all-pervading and the same in every part, there would have been no need to make the instruments of the senses meet in one center and in one single spot; on the contrary it would have sufficed that the eye should fulfil the function of its sensation on its surface only and not transmit the image of the things seen, to the sense, by means of the optic nerves, so that the soul—for the reason given above—may perceive it in the surface of the eye. In the same way as to the sense of hearing , it would have sufficed if the voice had merely sounded in the porous cavity of the indurated portion of the temporal bone which lies within the ear, without making any farther transit from this bone to the common sense, where the voice confers with and discourses to the common judgment. The sense of smell, again, is compelled by necessity to refer itself to that same judgment. Feeling passes through the perforated cords and is conveyed to this common sense. These cords diverge with infinite ramifications into the skin which encloses the members of the body and the viscera. The perforated cords convey volition and sensation to the subordinate limbs. These cords and the nerves direct the motions of the muscles and sinews, between which they are placed; these obey, and this obedience takes effect by reducing their thickness; for in swelling, their length is reduced, and the nerves shrink which are interwoven among the particles of the limbs; being extended to the tips of the fingers, hey transmit to the sense the object which they touch. The nerves with their muscles obey the tendons as soldiers obey the officers, and the tendons obey the common [central] sense as the officers obey the general. Thus, the joint of the bones obeys the never, and the never the muscle, and the muscle the tendon and the tendon the common sense. And the common sense is the seat of the soul, and memory is its ammunition, and the impressiblity is its referendary since the sense waits on the soul and not the soul on the sense. And where the sense that ministers to the soul is not at the service of the soul, all the functions of that sense are also wanting in that man’s life, as it is seen in those born mute and blind.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500), “How the Five Senses are the Ministers of the Soul” (#838) [20]
“The sun does not move.”
“The earth is but a speck in the universe.”
A 2013 art piece (Ѻ) shown Goethe’s Elective Affinities in upside down mirror writing, as used by Da Vinci; possibly symbolic of multiple layers of secret coding, messages, and meaning Goethe claimed to have hidden in his novel. |
“Nothing whatever can be moved by itself, but its motion is effected through another. There is no other force.”
“All movement tends to maintenance, or rather that all moved bodies continue to move along as the impression of the force of their motors (original impulse) remains in them.”
“See how the wings, striking the air, sustain the heavy eagle in the thin air on high. As much force is exerted by the object against the air as the air against the object.”
“Forces arise from the dearth or abundance; it is the child of physical motion, and the grand-child of spiritual motion, and the mother and origin of gravity. Gravity is limited to the elements of water and earth; but this force is unlimited, and by it infinite worlds might be moved if instruments could be made by which the force could be generated. Force, with physical motion, and gravity, with resistance are the four external powers on which all actions of mortals depend. Force has its origin in spiritual motion; and this motion, flowing through the limbs of sentient animals, enlarges their muscles. Being enlarged by this current the muscles are shrunk I length and contract the tendons which are connected with them, and this is the cause of the force of the limbs in man. The quality and quantity of the force of a man are able to give birth to other forces, which will be proportionally greater as the motions produced by them last longer.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500), “Earth as a Planet” (#859) [20]
Some of Da Vinci's drawings and notes on perpetual motion, in which he wrote “for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction”, implying something to the effect of the conclusion that the machines will not work, which of course is the famous third law of motion, of the laws of motion, formulated by Isaac Newton two centuries later. [12] |
“In whatever system where the weight attached to the wheel should be the cause of motion of the wheel, without any doubt the center of the gravity of the weight will stop beneath the center of its axle. No instrument devised by human ingenuity, which turns with its wheel, can remedy this effect. Oh, speculators about perpetual motion, how many vain chimeras have you created in the like quest. Go and take you place with the seekers after gold.”— Leonardo da Vinci (1494) [10]
“A bird is a machine functioning in accordance with the laws of mathematics, an instrument that man can reproduce with all its motions.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500), Machine for Flying [9]
Left: Original circa 1487 drawing of the Vitruvian man by Da Vinci, with theoretical description of man as being a tiny geometrical universe. Right: 2008 depiction of Da Vinci's Vitruvian man defined as a 26-element molecule as shown on the cover of the book The Human Molecule by American chemical engineer Libb Thims. [2] A similar 2010 cover design for the book retitled as Molecules Humans, inspired by Thims' design, was done by John Hodgson. [3] |
See main: Human moleculeIn 1487, da Vinci penned his now-iconic so-called Vitruvian man, shown adjacent, an ideal human conceived modeled on a geometrical theory of universal structure. [1]
“On Wednesday at the 7th hour Se Piero da Vinci died, on the 9th day of July 1504.”— Leonardo da Vinci (1504), note on the passing of his father
“His father, a well-to-do notary of Florence, gave him his name and his initial education in art under Andrea Verrochio. The youth was soon better than his teacher. His left-handedness, so complete that he wrote backwards, produced the mirror writing which is deplored today as an obstacle to the intellectual progress of children. It interfered not at all with the effectiveness of Leonardo; in fact. it may have helped. Sketches along the margins of his writing indicate that his hand was free to do as he wished while his mind worked on something else.”— Richard Kirby (1956), History of Engineering (pg. 124)
“Leonardo deserves fame in the profession rather less as practicing engineer than as prophet of engineering's future. Besides his machine guns, breech-loading cannon, tanks, a submarine, and a flying machine, Leonardo's sketches included lathes, pumps, cranes, jacks, water wheels, a canal lock, drawbridges, wheelbarrows, a diver's helmet with air hose, roller bearings, a self-propelled carriage, a double-decked city street, sprocket chains, an automatic printing press, a universal joint, a helicopter, and a wooden truss bridge. There were a great many more devices as varied and ingenious. His ideas are recorded on more than five thousand sheets of drawings and notes. But these were scattered over Europe in private collections and libraries beyond the reach of practicing engineers and were not published for centuries after his death. In recent years efforts have been made to gather and publish them.”— Richard Kirby (1956), History of Engineering (pgs. 124-25)
“Da Vinci wrote 5,000 pages on mechanics, flight, and machines.”— William Leith (1966), Resources for Man (pg. 140)
“I'm really surprised! From what I know of the three personalities. I do not understand how you can compare Leonardo da Vinci with Goethe or Einstein. Da Vinci had an IQ of 260, he is far from the other two.”— Cecilia Araugo (2017), “Email to Libb Thims”, Apr 19.
“The desire to know is natural to good men.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1490) [11]
“It is a good plan every now and then to go away and have a little relaxation; for then when you come back to the work your judgment will be surer, since to remain constantly at work will cause you to lose the power of judgment.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1490), “On Judging Your Own Picture”, Codex Ashburnham, Manuscript 2038 [14]
“It seems to me that those sciences which are not born of experience, the mother of all certainty, and which do not end in known experience—that is to say, those sciences whose origin or process or end does not pass through any one of the five senses—are vain and full of error.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500), A Treatise on Painting (Trattato della Pittura) (pg. 33); cited by Lawrence Henderson (1938) in “Sociology 23” (pg. 78)
“Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using his intelligence; he is just using his memory.”
— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500)
“No human investigation can be called real science if it cannot be demonstrated mathematically.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500)
“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.”
— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500) [14]
“When besieged by ambitious tyrants I find a means of offense and defense in order to preserve the chief gift of nature, which is liberty. Death rather than loss of liberty. The goldfish bring spurge [a poisonous plant] to its young when they are imprisoned in a cage. It is better to die than to lose one’s freedom.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500) [11]
“Astrology is that deceptive opinion by means of which a living is made from fools.”— Leonardo da Vinci (1490) [11]
“Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500) (Ѻ)
“The man who blames the supreme certainty of mathematics, feeds on confusion, and can never silence the contradictions of sophisticated sciences, which lead to an eternal quackery.”— Leonardo da Vinci (c.1500), Literary Works, Volume Two [15]