In hmolscience, Lynn Liss (c.1977-) is an American business strategist noted, in business thermodynamics, for her 2005 article “Human Thermodynamics and Business Efficiency” in which she outlined the view that thermodynamics, the study of the energetics of transformative processes, can facilitate the analysis and understanding of the process of business and information technology consulting. [1]
Liss was one of the early reviewers, from circa 2002 to 2005, of American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims' unpublished human thermodynamics manuscripts as well as the first ten chapters of his 2007 Human Chemistry textbook.
Liss was one of the first to advocate more focus on the "human molecule" concept in the works of Thims, which originally was only a latter chapter concept, having to do with the question of what constitutes the total essence existence of a person at the moment dereaction (death).
Liss is one of the original founders of the Institute of Human Thermodynamics.
Business thermodynamics | Molecules
In 2010, Sayantan Sikday, an Indian business theorist, in his “Human Thermodynamics: Towards Enhancing Business Output”, blogged, in an expanded manner, on human thermodynamics, historically, and on Liss’ 2005 “business molecular organism” perspective, thermodynamic efficiency, and output. On the subject of Liss' conception of the business molecule, Sikday summarizes: [3]
"Two or more human molecules when are occupationally bound for some specific economic function constitute a business molecule. The interactions, exchanges, dynamics, and financial reactions that take place between sets of business molecules define what is called business chemistry. As the world gets condensed due to globalization, cross-functional group decision making is slowly but steadily emerging as the single most important differentiator for successful multinational organizational functioning. Moreover organizations now a day are contracting management consultants in order to have strategic, industry-specific and technology-specific human skill sets in order to overcome complex problems. Innovation and transformation are the buzz words in today’s business. Business thermodynamics studies the energetics associated with these transformative processes"
In 2018, Spyros Tzafestas, in Energy, Information, Feedback, Adaptation, and Self-organization: The Fundamental Elements of Life and Society, in his “Business Systems Thermodynamics”, cited some of Liss’ work on business thermodynamics. [5]
Liss competed her BS in business finance, at Eastern Michigan University and her MBA in finance and strategy at the University of Chicago. She has worked as a consultant for a number of the big five consulting companies of the world, including KPMG.
In the late 2000s, she was the COO of, a company that connects startups with investors. [2] Liss is currently one of the founders of an "acts of kindness" social network site.
1. Liss, Lynn. (2005). "Human Thermodynamics and Business Efficiency", Journal of Human Thermodynamics, Vol. 1, Issue 6, pgs. 62-67, Dec.
2. Fundability (About us) –
3. Sikdar, Sayantan. (2010). “Human Thermodynamics: Towards Enhancing Business Output”, Conviction vs Convention,, Feb 17.
4. Home –
5. Tzafestas, Spyros G. (2018). Energy, Information, Feedback, Adaptation, and Self-organization: The Fundamental Elements of Life and Society (Thims, pg. 145; §: Life and Human Thermodynamics Quotes, pgs. 144-46; Business-Systems Thermodynamics, pg. 123). Springer.