A parody rendition of Israeli chemist Addy Pross' perspective that he and American complexity theorist Stuart Kauffman "see so many trees", such as catalysis, synthetic biology, RNA, metabolic pathways, DNA, molecular machinery, ATP, biosynthesis, etc., but that he and Kauffman "have no real view of the forest" which is solution to the question "what makes a cell alive?" [2] |
“The trend towards the already mentioned diversified society of ‘specialists’ and the related danger of narrower way of thinking (idiot savant) necessarily leads to a growing helplessness of the individual. Related to this is a growing blind belief in science. Since Leibnitz, probably the last universal genius, we know more and more about a shrinking area of knowledge. Biology and physics, chemistry and medicine are divided already today into dozens of individual disciplines, which like a ‘hydra’, keep dividing into other individual disciplines.”— Hans-Wolff Graf (1995), “We Need a New World View” [1]
“We see so many trees, yet we have no real view of the forest.”— restatement of Kauffman’s 2000 “life remains shrouded from view” perspective
Non-crank | Crank or prophet? | |||
In 1995, American historian John Diggins incorrectly classified American physical science historian Henry Adams (IQ=195), noted for his 1885 social chemistry of human molecules in relationships theory, for his 1895 first and second laws of thermodynamics applied to the rise and fall of civilizations, and for his 1909 phase rule applied to history—whose two cultures genius is near to on par with that of Goethe (IQ=230)—as “more of a crank than a prophet”, which is but the result of the growing dividedness and fragmentation of the body of modern knowledge, the totality of which few are able to presently hold in one mindset. [3] |
“This is all just a horrendous analogy. Chemical laws apply to humans, but our behavior is more complex than something that can be modeled with a couple of thermodynamic equations. A + B → AB is just a pretentious way of stating something we already know; it tells us absolutely nothing new.”
“On the matter of science, consensus of conventional wisdom in Adams scholarship regards him as more of a crank than a prophet.”
“Flow of electric current or the behavior of molecules or the gravitational relation of the moon to terrestrial waves."
“The historian notes and follows the general transformations presented by a certain human molecule, or a certain peculiar group of human molecules; and, to explain these transformations, he writes the psychology of the molecule or its group.”
Non-wacko | Wacko or prophet? | |||
In 2013, American neurological anthropologist Terrence Deacon called American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims and his Goethean-Adams based chemical thermodynamics of human molecules point of view as "wacko", seemingly believing, conversely, in his "consensus of conventional wisdom" mindset, that his own emergent chemical teleology is the correct view point and solution to the question of desire, purpose, and intentional feelings in modern philosophies of mind debates. |
“Libb Thims [is] self-published wacko angry at the world for not taking his theories seriously.”