Ontic opening (examples)
Left: an ontic opening humor jab on Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, used socially. Right: an ontic opening themed cartoon (Ѻ) on Kurt Godel’s 1931 incompleteness theorem.
In hmolscience, ontic opening, aka "Einstein twisters" (Lovecraft, c.1929), ontic openness, something that is “ontic open”, and or an ontic opening theory, refers to something that is said to bring in or allow the existence of a non-deterministic nature or give a means of proving indeterminism; and or allow for the emergence or introduction of a non-materialistic or non-physicalist angled "being" or "becoming" theory; a scientific-sounding way to sneak anthropisms into hard physical science, so to say, typically underlaid by some type of hidden or implicit god or spirituality agenda. [1]

The prefix “ontic” is a shorthand reference to "ontology", the study of the emergence of being, becoming, and or existence, and hence ontic is short for the study of these in regards to being and becoming questions related to human existence, particularly in regards to the modern physical sciences.

In philosophy, the concept of “ontic openness” or ontic openings seems to have arisen in the work of Martin Heidegger.

In 1929, Howard Lovecraft, in a letter, warned a correspondent not to be tricked by what he referred to as "Einstein-twisters", namely scientists and litterateurs who used Einstein, e.g. energy = matter views (see: mass-energy equivalence) or relativity ideas, to bolster previously outmoded views regarding god and the soul. [4]

In systems ecology, the mixture of “open” as defined in thermodynamics in connection with the older ontological version of open or openness seems to have been introduced in 2001 by Sven Jorgensen. [2]

In the 2009 book A Third Window: Natural Life beyond Newton and Darwin, American systems ecologist Robert Ulanowicz, according to Swedish two-cultures literature theorist Erland Lagerroth, gives the “ontic openings” of nature examples of Gödel's incompleteness theorem, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the Pauli exclusion principle, and Elsasser's unique events (see: Walter Elsasser), to argue for the existence of God and his possibilities to intervene in what happens on earth. [3]

Belgian chemist Ilya Prigogine's "bifurcations", along the same lines as Lagerroth's classification scheme, might well be also classified as an ontic opening.

The following is a work-in-progress chronological listing commonly employed ontic theories employed to conceptualize or feign about “openings” of nature:

Theory | Principle | Model
Summary | Assertion
Rebuttal | Disproof

Chance400BCGreek philosopherSaid to derive from Greek atomic theory.Lawrence Henderson (1913) dismissed as a false assertion; the correct assertion being that the property of entropy maximization (or free energy minimization, in evolutionary terms) of matter and energy organizes the universe in space and time.
Swerve of the atom
300BCEpicurusProposed that certain atoms "serve" thus giving humans free will.
Teleology 322BCAristotleArgues that all phenomena have a final cause, i.e. desired or optimal end location in the universe, which is its purpose. Has been defined as a “dead” theoretical option in biology (John Wilkins, 1997), in physics and chemistry (John Hawthorne, 2005), and in sociology (Water Runciman, 2005); and since superseded by waves and tides framed directional movements towards free energy minimization point theory.
Emergent property1843John Mill

Entropy1865Rudolf Clausius Dozens of “entropy antonym” theories, into the 21st century, have sprouted: extropy (1900 | Georg Hirth), ectropy (1910 | Felix Auerbach), negentropy (1950 | Leon Brillouin), anti-entropy (1951 | Pierre Teilhard), etc. This, generally, is but the result of confusion about entropy, most assuming it is but the tendency towards disorder; the correct focus is on "Gibb energy" the quantitative measure of change of state of order.
Radioactivity1896Henri Becquerel Discovered that uranium emits radiation, “unpredictably” (randomly), without any need for excitation by an external energy source; thereafter some (e.g. Ettore Majorana, 1935) began to use the “unpredictable” aspect of radioactive clicking of the meter to develop “chance” based philosophies of sociology and human nature. Dismissed by the fact that social systems are not uranium based; Richard Feynman (1985), e.g., stated that all of existence, social existence included, aside from gravitational phenomena and radioactivity, can be explained by the theory of light and matter (or photons and electrons) otherwise known as quantum electrodynamics.
Uncertainty principle 1927Werner HeisenbergClaimed to overthrow: the principle of causality (Heisenberg, 1930), thereby seemingly inserting "indeterminism" into science; the idea that natural phenomena obey exact laws (Heisenberg, 1930); and Laplacian determinism (Compton, 1935)Dean Wooldridge (1968): “Even the existence among the laws of a principle of indeterminacy limiting the precision with which the future can be predicted does not permit entry of caprice into the world of the physical scientist. Within a calculable and frequently very narrow range of uncertainty, the future is completely determined by the past. Given the laws and the particles, all else follows inexorably.”

Steven Weinberg (1992) dismissed, in his Scrooge Tiny Tim dialogue, as a false extension.
Quantum mechanics1930s

Murray Gell-Mann (1994) used the term "quantum flapdoodle" to describe abuses of quantum mechanics to support extraordinary claims. [5]
Incompleteness theorem1931Kurt Godel

Self-organization1943Ross Ashby
Friedrich Cramer (1993: the notion of “self-organization” lets the metaphysical into physics (see: ontic openings) and hence justifies the notion of creation by god.
Cybernetics 1948Norbert Wiener The model of mechanical feedback, in the sense of the method by which an oarsman steers a ship, has given rise to all sorts of ontic opening theories. (Ѻ)
Information theory1949Claude ShannonAfter being told by John Neumann that he should call his new coding formula for the sending of 1s and 0s, i.e. Boolean algebra based information, in telegraph wires, by the name "entropy", superficially drawing a parallel to Boltzmann entropy of thermodynamics, the so-called Shannon bandwagon took of, one that many still ride today, allowing anyone to argue about anything.Dirk ter Haar (1954) dismissed as having nothing to do with thermodynamics; retracted by Shannon (1956) himself has something that is “not relevant to psychology, economics, and other social sciences”.
General systems theory1950s Ludwig Bertalanffy

Unique events1958Walter Elsasser

1970sIlya PrigogineThe Benard cell (1900) phenomenon of so-called "far-from-equilibrium" formation of "order" (hexagonal cell patterns) from "disorder" (randomly moving silicon atoms), past a certain Reynold's number of heat input, alludes to the view that before the fluctuation and or bifurcation, determinism and predictability exist, but at or after the bifurcation (or bifurcation point), indeterminism and unpredictablity exist, and there by semblance of materialistic "choice" and or free will exists. Georgi Gladyshev (1979) dismissed as but "mathematical fantasies" devoid of any real world application; societies, in short, are not made of silicon or whale oil, nor heated "continuously" (but cyclically) on a hotplate (but by the sun).
Ascendency1979Robert Ulanowicz

Chaos theory1990s Edward Lorenz Arguments, such as the "butterfly effect", assert that social systems are at the "edge of chaos", according to which slight changes to initial conditions, bring about unpredictably large end result changes.Fell off, in popularity, into the 2000s.

The following are other possible or tentative avenues of ontic opening arguments:

● Pauli exclusion principle
Quantum physics of genesis
An explicit religious use of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, as an ontic opening, to validate the premise of “free will”, thereby giving comforting, albeit vacuous, justification of the premise that people have the ability to freely “choose” between good and evil or right and wrong; thereby substantiating the classical models of the soul and or karma based religion.

Ontic opening theorists
An ontic opening theorist is someone who uses "openings" to make an “ontological” argument. Examples include:

Robert Ulanowicz
Morris Zucker

Teleic opening theorists
A teleic opening theorist, similar to an “ontic opening theorist”, in Swedish two-cultures literature theorist Erland Lagerroth’s 2009 classification scheme, refers to someone who uses “openings” to make a "teleological" (design or purpose as an explanation) argument of natural phenomena. Examples include:

Alicia Juarrero
Terrence Deacon

1. Jorgensen, Sven E. and Svirezhev, Yuri M. (2004). Towards a Thermodynamic Theory for Ecological Systems (1.2. Ontic openness, pgs 5-9). New York: Elsevier.
2. Jorgensen, Sven E. (2001). Thermodynamics and Ecological Modelling (12.5: Ontic Openness, pgs. 296-299). CRC Press.
3. (a) Lagerroth, Erland. (2009). “In the Beginning was the Process”, Aug. 11. Amazon.com Reviews.
(b) Ulanowicz, Robert E. (2009). A Third Window: Natural Life beyond Newton and Darwin (thermodynamics, 32+ pgs; entropy, 17+ pgs; God, 12+ pgs) . Templeton Press.
4. Lovecraft, H.P. (2010). Against Religion: the Atheistic Writings of H.P. Lovecraft (editor: S.T. Joshi; foreword: Christopher Hitchens) (abs) (Amz) (pg. xix). Sporting Gentlemen.
5. Musolino, Julien. (2015). The Soul Fallacy: What Science Shows We Gain from Letting Go of Our Soul Beliefs (foreword: Victor Stenger) (pg. 124). Prometheus.

Further reading
● Jorgensen, Sven. (2007). A New Ecology: Systems Perspective (3.2: Why is Ontic Openness so Obscure?, pgs. 36-). Elsevier.

External links
Ontology – Wikipedia.

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