The spin problem: explain what the various spins of the universe have to do with each other, i.e. what speed of the local cluster (600 km/s towards the great attractor) has to do with the milky way spin (200 million years/cycle) has to do with the spin of the earth about the sun (365 days/cycle), and what this has to do with the spin of the earth on its axis (24 hours/cycle), which thus initiates daily "heat cycles", and what this has to do with the spin of person in his or her daily orbitals (one day/cycle), i.e. human molecular spin, and what this has to do with nuclear spin and electron spin and what all of this has to do with the movement and spins of fundamental particles (fermions: spin 1) and forces (bosons: spin ½) all in relation to Lewis equality governed synthesis (evolution) and the arrow of time?