spin problem
The spin problem: explain what the various spins of the universe have to do with each other, i.e. what speed of the local cluster (600 km/s towards the great attractor) has to do with the milky way spin (200 million years/cycle) has to do with the spin of the earth about the sun (365 days/cycle), and what this has to do with the spin of the earth on its axis (24 hours/cycle), which thus initiates daily "heat cycles", and what this has to do with the spin of person in his or her daily orbitals (one day/cycle), i.e. human molecular spin, and what this has to do with nuclear spin and electron spin and what all of this has to do with the movement and spins of fundamental particles (fermions: spin 1) and forces (bosons: spin ½) all in relation to Lewis equality governed synthesis (evolution) and the arrow of time?
In science, spin refers to the physical quantification of a particle or entity rotating or ‘spinning’ about its central axis, a type of angular momentum of the entity that is said to exist even when the entity comes to rest.

The basics of the electromagnetic nature of spin was worked out by James Maxwell in 1873, in what is called the right hand rule, the geometrical description of the dynamical nature of the electromagnetic force, based on the earlier experimental work of English chemical physicist Michael Faraday, and his 1831 discovery of electromagnetic induction.

Austrian theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli was the first to propose the concept of "spin", but he did not name it. In 1925, Ralph Kronig, George Uhlenbeck, and Samuel Goudsmit suggested a physical interpretation of particles spinning around their own axis. The mathematical theory was worked out in depth by Pauli in 1927.

When Paul Dirac derived his relativistic quantum mechanics in 1928, electron spin was an essential part thereof.

The daily cyclical connection of the various ‘working bodies’ (systems), of continents, six great land divisions of the globe, to the hot body (hot day sky) and cold body (cold night sky) on an alternating basis, which thus drive the various forms of human existence, as coupled reactive heat engines, is a cycle that is a product of the spin or rotation of the sun, which itself is a product of the spin or rotation of the milky way galaxy, which no doubt is connected or coupled, in all probably likelihood to the spin or rotation of something else. In short ‘spin’ is the factor that drives the ‘cycles’ of human existence.

Matter | Energy
Entities called fermions , particles with ½ integer spin, are considered as the "matter" portion of the universe. Entities called bosons, particles with integer spin, are considered as the "energy" portion of the universe.

Human | Motions
The diagram shown adjacent, illustrates how humans, when north of the equator, tend to drive on the right hand side of the road, whereas humans south of the equator tend to drive on the left hand side of the road, a spin or rotation like phenomena that owes its nature to the movement of molten electrically charged magma inside of the earth, acting akin to the coils of an electromagnetic transformer, which creates magnetic field lines that point out of the earth in the northern hemisphere and into the earth in the southern hemisphere, thereby inducing humans towards the "natural" driving patters seen on the different continents of the earth.

Human movement (north pole vs south pole)
Top (left): People tend to drive on the right hand side of the road (move in a clockwise direction) in the northern hemisphere, due to the right hand rule. [2] Top (right): People tend to drive on the left hand side of the road (move in a counter clockwise direction) in the southern hemisphere, due to the right hand rule. [2] Bottom (right): Overview of the right hand rule and left hand rule for describing the behavior of the electromagnetic force in relation to moving charges, magnetic fields, and electric fields. [1]
The "right side driving northern-hemispherers" vs "left side driving southern-hemispherers" is humorously played out when Mick, aka “Crocodile Dundee”, in the 1986 film of the the same title, from Australia, comes to New York:

Crocodile Dundee (image)

and drives on the "left" side of the road (i.e. "wrong" side of the road, by American standards), which is but what he is naturally use to, and when he encounters a American, who naturally drives on the right side of the road (i.e. the "wrong" side of the road, by Australian standards) driving at him head-on, shouts: “Get on the right side of the road, pelican!”, the term "pelican" being Australian slang for dumb-ass. (Ѻ)

See also
Turning tendencies
Human molecular orbital
Human molecular spin
Molecular vortices
Maxwell’s spinning cells
Gustave Coriolis
Nassim Haramein

1. Right and Left Hand Rules – National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, University of Florida.
2. Right- and left-hand traffic – Wikipedia.

Further reading
● McWeeny, Roy. (1970). Spins in Chemistry. Dover.
● Tomonaga, Sin-itiro. (1974). The Story of Spin. University of Chicago Press.

External links
Spin (physics) – Wikipedia.

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