Two CulturesIn science, two cultures namesakes refers to coinings, portmanteaus, and new term usages of crossover or bridging disciplines between the two cultures of so-called "hard science" Clausius culture (left brain thinkers), or physical science and engineering culture, and the so-called "soft science" Shakespeare culture (right brain thinkers), or liberal arts and humanities culture.

The following is a chronological listing of the various two cultures "namesakes" employed—many of which are hmolscience sub-branch sciences, shown with subject coiner; those with photos shown next to term have intellectual dominance, e.g. are high ranking social Newtons, or existive social Newtons, or respectable critiques and historical commentators (e.g. Sorokin) on the subject; namesakes shown bolded and or enlarged signify historical dominance, significance, and or density:

Term | Two cultures
Coiner | Date

1.Science of man David Hume, 1739

Elective AffinitiesGoethe, 1809
2.Social physicsAuguste Comte, 1822
3.Human physicsAdolphe Quetelet, 1835
4.Human chemistry E.B., 1851
5.Historical materialismFriedrich Engels, 1859/1892
6. Religio-political physics (Ѻ) Calvin Blanchard, 1861
7.Moral chemistryWilliam Lecky, 1869
8.Scientific socialismFriedrich Engels, c.1870
9.Social chemistryThomas Huxley 75Thomas Huxley, 1871
10.Physical economicsPatrick Geddes, c.1880s
11.Social mechanicsFrancis Edgeworth,1881
12.Mathematical psychicsFrancis Edgeworth, 1881
13.Physical anthropologyFranz Boas, 1882
14.Dialectical materialismGeorgi Plekhanov, 1891
15.Mathematical economicsVilfredo Pareto, c.1892
16.Human thermodynamicsBryan Donkin, 1893
17.Pure political economics and social mechanicsLeon Winiarski 75Leon Winiarski, 1894
18.Scientific psychologySigmund Freud, 1895
19.Molecular sociology Guillaume de Greef, 1902
20.SociophysiologyEmile Waxweiler, 1906
21.Physico-chemical social dynamicsHenry Adams 75Henry Adams, 1908
22.Economic dynamicsMaffeo Pantaleoni, c.1908
23.Human energeticsWilhelm Ostwald, 1909
24.Social energeticsErnest Solvay, 1910
25.Humanized physicsEdwin Slosson, 1910
26.Physico-human sociologyHenry Adams 75Henry Adams, 1912(see: Adams quotes)
27.Anthropic physicsWilhelm Ostwald, 1912
28.TechnocracyHoward Scott, 1918
29.Cartesian economicsFrederick Soddy, 1921
30.Mental dynamicsSigmund Freud, 1923
31.Biophysical economicsAlfred Lotka, 1924
→ Praxiology
Albert Weiss, 1925
33.Social thermodynamicsPitirim Sorokin, 1928
34.Mathematical sociologyPitirim Sorokin, 1928
35.Gibbs-Pareto based sociology [Sociology 23]Lawrence Henderson 75Lawrence Henderson, 1932
36.Scientific humanismOliver Reiser, 1940
37.Chemical sociologyJohn Grant, c.1940
38.PsychohistoryIsaac Asimov, 1942
39.Physicochemical sociologyPitirim Sorokin 75 newPitirim Sorokin, 1943Themed on: Lawrence Henderson (1932) and Henry Adams (1908), albeit in derogatory opposition.
40.Emotional thermodynamicsHelen Dunbar, 1943
41.Statistical dynamics of systems of energy transformersAlfred Lotka 75Alfred Lotka, 1945
42.Political physicsAuthor, 1951 (Ѻ)
43.Thermodynamics of humansMehdi Bazargan 75Bazargan, 1956
44.Socio-economic thermodynamicsPerson, 1962 (Ѻ)
45.Economic thermodynamicsPerson, 1962 (Ѻ)
46.PsychothermodynamicsJurgen Ruesch, 1964
47.PsychodynamicsEric Berne, 1964
48.Dynamic psychologyJohn Bowlby, 1969
49.HomeokineticsArthur Iberall, 1970s
50.Social thermodynamicsMarlan Blissett, 1972
51.Financial thermodynamicsDaedalus, 1972
52.EthnoenergeticsEugene Ruyle, 1973
53.Political thermodynamicsHarold Nieburg, 1973
54.SociophysicsArthur Iberall, 1974
55.Social engineeringArthur Iberall, 1974
56.Cultural thermodynamicsStanley Diamond, 1974
57.Socio-chemistryMichael Fores, 1976
58.Anthro-physicsMichael Fores, 1976
59.Quantum economicsAsghar Qadir, 1978 [7]
60.Hierarchical thermodynamicsGeorgi Gladyshev, 1978
61.Sociophysics and sociochemistryAlexander Rosenberg, 1980
62.Ecological economicsRobert Constanza, 1982
63.Physico-economicsMalte Faber, 1985
64.Architectural thermodynamicsHassan Fathy, 1986
65.Physicochemical Sociology Mirza Beg 75Mirza Beg, 1987
66.ThermoeconomicsBengt Mansson, 1990
67.Racial thermodynamicsRichard Delgado, 1990
68.Relation thermodynamicsWayne Angel, 1992
69.ScientismCaspar Hakfoort, 1995
70.EconophysicsEugene Stanley, 1995
71.Eco-thermodynamicsRobert Ayres, 1995
72.Religious thermodynamicsAbdul Karim Surush, c.1995
73.Animate thermodynamicsSture Nordholm 75Sture Nordholm, 1997
74.Crowd dynamicsKeith Still, 2000
75.PhysioeconomicsPhilip Parker, 2000
76.Relationship physicsChristopher Hirata new 75Christopher Hirata, c.2000
77.Physics of socio-economic systemsGerman Physical Society, 2001 [6]
78Socio-thermodynamicsIngo Müller, 2002
79.Socio-economic physicsGerman Physical Society, 2002
80.Physics in economics and social sciencesPolish Physical Society, c.2003
81.Social dynamicsRaddai Raikhlin, 2003
82.Physical socio-economicsJurgen Mimkes, 2006
83.Applied thermodynamics: physical socio-economicsJurgen Mimkes 75Jurgen Mimkes, c.2005
84.Econophysics and sociophysicsJurgen Mimkes, 2006
85.Econo-thermodynamicsJurgen Mimkes, 2006
86.Human molecular dynamicsLibb Thims, 2007
87.Human chemical thermodynamicsLibb Thims 75Libb Thims, 2007
88.Scientific sociologyJohn Macionis, 2008
89.Econo-engineeringGheorghe Savoiu and Ion Siman, 2008
90.EconochemistryYuri Tarnopolsky, 2009
91.Pattern chemistYuri Tarnopolsky, 2009
92.Sociophysical geography

93.Thermodynamics of physico-chemical socio-economicsJurgen Mimkes, c.2016


Human thermodynamics (2012)
Header to a 2012 lecture handout given to UIC bioengineering thermodynamics students as supplement to a lecture on human thermodynamics by American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims, which may be in the neighborhood of the two cultures department namesake? [32]
Some more-recently Hmolpedia-introduced umbrella-like classification terms, utilized for grouping the above variations, inclued:

Philosophical thermodynamics (Thims, 2008)
Literature thermodynamics (Thims, 2008)
Human statistical thermodynamics (Thims, 2008)
Art thermodynamics (Thims, 2008)
Human thermodynamics education (Thims, 2008)
Business thermodynamics (Thims, 2008)
History thermodynamics (Thims, 2008)
Anthropological thermodynamics (Thims, 2008)
Business chemistry (Thims, 2009)

The following, which began to be used in 2010 to 2012, the term "human engineering thermodynamics" used specifically in a university lecture given to bioengineering thermodynamics students, are a few more closer-to-target namesakes for the subject matter of the proposed engineering-centric humanities embedded two cultures teaching department:

Human engineering thermodynamics (Thims, 2010)
Humanities thermodynamics (Thims, 2010)
Human molecular science (Thims, 2010)
Hmolscience (Thims, 2010)
Integration and segregation thermodynamics (Thims, 2010)
Human mathematics (Thims, 2011)
Literature chemistry (Thims, 2011)
War thermodynamics (Thims, 2011)
Sustainability thermodynamics (Thims, 2012)

Human molecular dynamics (2007)
A 2007 chapter section entitled "human molecular dynamics" from American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims' Human Chemistry, which is a term in the neighborhood for a possible "two cultures department" namesake? [3]
A few recent 2013 tentative two cultures department namesakes, aimed at capturing all of the above, include:

Human molecular engineering (Thims, 2013)
Human chemical engineering (Thims, 2013)
Humanities engineering
Physical science applied humanities
Socio-physical chemistry = Sociophysics + sociochemistry
Physical sociology (Warshay, 14 May 2013)
Socioeconomic chemical thermodynamics (Thims, 4 Jun 2013) [N1]

The following are some recent 2014 introductions:

Physical humanities (Thims, 31 Jan 2014; based thematically, in part, on the 2013 Leon Warshay usage)
Physicochemical humanities (Thims, 6 May 2014; based on the 1908 Henry Adams usages)


What should we call it?
The umbrella term namesake [?] for all of the various subjects listed below is still as of yet unsolidified (see: two cultures department).
The term “human molecular engineering” was used in the University of California, Berkeley article and also in the Gheorghe Savoiu article on the newly-emerging 2008 sociophysics/econophysics applied field of "econo-engineering"; the phrase “physical science applied sociologist”, in regards to physical science applied humanities, was used in reference to Henry Carey; the term “socio-physical chemistry” is a truncation of American philosopher Alexander Rosenberg’s 1980 mocking definition of sociophysics and sociochemistry.

The former proposed term, i.e. department of human molecular engineering, to note, has thematic commonality to all: in that both the “human molecule” perspective and use of the “second law” analysis perspective have historically been used in and cut through every branch of the humanities, engineering, and the physical sciences, uniformly, up to the present, and likely well into the future, and that ideally the proposed two cultures department will need to be centered around a leading chemical engineering university department, as chemical thermodynamics is the core of the subject of chemical engineering, meaning that chemical engineers are generally, as seems to be the case, the leading experts of chemical thermodynamics, physical chemists aside.

The resultant umbrella term human molecular engineering, in this sense, would seem a cogent department title. The future might see the use of something along the lines of "University of [Fill in the Blank], Department of Hmolscience", but presently this term (hmolscience) is a rather new coining (2010), having little immediate recognition (though Hmolpedia, as of 2013, draws near 70,000 page views per month), whereas something like the "Princeton University Department of Social Physics" has immediate subject recognition, albeit is less encompassing, focused generally on "physics + sociology" only, rather than other needed subjects such as economics, history, philosophy, anthropology, and chemistry, and so on.

Societies | Two Cultures
In 2002, the German Physical Society's socio-economic physics division symbol acronym for the "physics", symbolized by the Greek letter Phi "Φ" of socio-economic "SOE" systems, was employing the following image and term, something not found in American physical science society?
In c.2003, he Polish Physics Society created a new division entitled “Physics in Economics and Social Sciences” (FENS), under section president Janusz Holyst, catering to physicists who try to “look over the bridge” between the methods used in physics and those of the analysis of economical and social phenomena. [1]

FENS (2012)


Econophysics, Sociophysics, and other Multidisciplinary Sciences Journal
The University of Pitesti’s new 2011-launched Econophysics, Sociophysics and other Multidisciplinary Sciences Journal, acronym ESMSJ, headed by Romanians economist and econophysicist Gheorghe Savoiu and physicist and sociophysicist Ion Siman, containing articles on multidisciplinary topics such as “quantum economics”, which gives way to the need for a “new” umbrella two cultures like namesake that captures this newly-forming modern science. [2]
Other schools | Historical
In "schools of thermodynamics" classification terms, historically speaking, the modern two cultures school would be comparable to: the energetics school (1890-1908), headed by German physical chemist Wilhelm Ostwald, which promoted and or taught a certain amount philosophical thermodynamics (e.g. Robert Lindsay and his 1930s Brown University entropy ethics courses); the Helmholtz school (1845-1923), under the direction of Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, moved a certain amount of thermodynamics teaching into the format of psychological thermodynamics, such as captured in his 1895 "A Project for Scientific Psychology" (on free energy and bound energy applied to the mental sphere of stored emotions); the Lausanne school (1870-1903), under the guidance of Leon Walras and Leon Winiarski, moved thermodynamics into economics and politics; the Brussels school (1918-c.1980s), under the drive of Ilya Prigogine, taught a certain amount of social thermodynamics and ethics thermodynamics, e.g. Dick Hammond and his 1979 EdD thesis Analysis of Entropy Reduction and its Implications for Ethical Instruction in Public Education, and his followup university courses on this subject at the University of Texas; the spin-off Roegen-Daly school (1971-c.1990s) promotes its own barely palatable brand of ecological economics thermodynamics; the Santa Fe Institute (1984-present) has incorporated a certain amount of hmolscience topics into their publications, albeit mostly in the form of emergence/complexity theory applied to mind from matter theories.

The following are related quotes:

“It is just because the application of the every-day principles of engineering to the animate engine [humans] offers such a powerful corrective to the make-believes of the economic systems of society that I have ventured to address you on the subject.”
Frederick Soddy (1921) "Cartesian Economics Lectures"

N1. Term used on the Vilfredo Pareto page to capture Lawrence Henderson's sketched out 1935 theory, based on his faculty workshops at Harvard, that:

Socioeconomic equilibrium dynamics (Henderson) = Economic dynamics (Pareto) + Chemical thermodynamics (Gibbs)

Though, to note, it seems that Henderson never actually gave a name to what he was arguing.

See also
Two cultures department
Two cultures synergy

1. FENS (Polish → English) – Polish Physical Society.
2. Home - Econophysics, Sociophysics and other Multidisciplinary Sciences Journal, University of Pitesti, Romania.
3. Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume One) (§: Human molecular dynamics, pgs. 140-46). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
4. Thims, Libb. (2012). “An Introduction to Human Thermodynamics: Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, and Applied” (main) (handout), Lecture to bioengineering thermodynamics students (professor: Ali Mansoori), University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Apr 10.
5. Association of Physics of Socio-economic Systems (GermanEnglish) – German Physical Society.
6. Donzelli, Franco. (1997). “Pareto’s Mechanical Dream” (pdf), History of Economic Ideas, 3:127-78.
7. Quote: "We need to find the economic assumptions which should lead to the use of the quantum formalism to derive a genuine economic theory of quantum economics as has been done for deriving a physical theory of quantum mechanics." (Ѻ)

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