Vineet Nayar nsIn business chemistry, Vineet Nayar (1962-) is an Indian engineer turned business executive noted for his 2010 sociophysics-themed book Employees First, Customers Second.

In 2010, Nayar, in his Employees First, Customers Second, utilized sociophysics-like concepts such as ‘tipping point’, ‘critical mass’, human particle, corporate molecule, new energy, etc., in application in reconstruction of corporations; the following is a popular quote: [1]

“When a critical mass of employees [activate] (usually, 5 or 10 percent is all you need), throughout the company, it creates a kind of fusion – a coming together of the human particles in the corporate molecule that releases a massive amount of energy.”

Nayar cites thinkers such as Malcolm Gladwell, and his 2000 The Tipping Point, and how people act as connectors, and spend considerable time discussing ‘energy’ and how to bring about the release of new energy laying dormant in the employees of the corporation.

Nayer completed his BS in engineering from G.B. Pant University in 1983 and his MBA from XLRI, Jamshedpur in 1985. In 2005, he became president of HCL Technologies.

1. Nayar, Vineet. (2010). Employees First, Customers Second (quote, pg. 165; energy, 11+ pgs.). Harvard Business Books.
2. Murali, D. (2010). “Human particles in the Corporate Molecule”, The Hindu, May 29.

External links
Vineet Nayar – Wikipedia.

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