In existographies, Manetho (c.300-250BC) (CR:5) was an Egyptian historian and priest, centered in Heliopolis, noted for his History of Egypt, written, in Greek, for Ptolemy II (reign: 283-246BC), based on materials collected in the library of the priesthood of Ra; his division of the rulers of ancient Egypt into 30 dynasties is still used as the basic framework for ancient Egyptian history. (Ѻ)

In c.260BC, Manetho, in his History of Egypt, as cited by Gary Greenberg (2000), discussed an Egyptian priest named Osarseph (Ѻ), who sized the Egyptian thrown, later changing his name to "Moses". [1]

In c.80AD, Josephus, citing Manetho, conjectured that the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt (c.1600BC) (see: supreme god timeline) was the origin of the mythical story of the Jewish exodus. (Ѻ)(Ѻ)

Manetho was involved in the introduction of the cult of Serapis into Egypt. [3]

Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Manetho:

“A tradition says Solon, Thales, and Plato all visited the great college at Heliopolis, and that the last-named actually studied there, and that Manetho (c.300-250BC), the priest of Sebennytus, who wrote a history of Egypt in Greek for Ptolemy II, collected his materials in the library of the priesthood of Ra.”
Wallis Budge (1904), The Gods of the Egyptians, Volume One [2]

1. Greenberg, Gary. (2000). 101 Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History (myth 73: Jochebed placed the infant Modes in an Ark, pgs. 199-203; myth #74: Pharaoh’s daughter gave Moses a Hebrew name, pg. 204). Source Books.
2. Budge, Wallis. (1904). The Gods of the Egyptians, Volume One (pg. 332). Dover, 1969.
3. Manetho. (c.250BC). Manetho: with an English Translation (translator: W.G. Waddell) (Arc). Harvard University Press, 1940.

External links
Manetho – Wikipedia.

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