In existographies, Melissus (c.470-400BC) (ACR:14) (CR:9) was a Greek philosopher (see: Greek philosophy), one of the members of the so-called “Eleatic school” headed by Parmenides, whose members included: Zeno of Elea, noted mentor to Leucippus (Ѻ), Gorgias, and in some sense Empedocles, noted for []
Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Melissus:
“The disciples of Parmenides [e.g. Empedocles] and Melissus [e.g. Zeno of Elea] have rejected the existence of movement. Aristotle labeled them immobilists and antiphysicists: immobilists because of paralysis, and antiphysicists because movement is the very essence of nature, and to pretend, as they did, that nothing moves is tantamount to abolishing nature.”— Sextus Empiricus (c.200AD) [1]
“There is absolutely NO void. For void is not-being and the nothing could not exist. And it does not move. For it cannot move in any direction. But it is full. For if there were void, it would move into that void, but since there is no void it has nothing to move into.”— Melissus (c.430BC), Fragment [2]