Al-Marri 2In existographies, Abdallah al-Marri (973-1057) (IQ:175|#233) (Murray 4000:3|AL) (FA:32) (CR:10), oft-cited as "al-Marri", aka the "Arab Lucretius" (Issa, 2016), was a Syrian-born blind philosopher, poet, skeptic, and irreligionist (Ѻ), historically “Arab atheist” (Ѻ), noted for his attacks on the dogmas of religion, his rejection of Islam, his sarcasm towards the religions of Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians, and his general view that religion consisted of ancient fables used to exploit the masses. (Ѻ)

Al-Marri is ranked, by Luke Meuhlauser (2009) (Ѻ), alongside: Epicurus, Jean Meslier, Robert Ingersoll, and Noam Chomsky, as a top classical nonbeliever; categorized (Ѻ) as an Arab atheist.

Epistle of Forgiveness
Al-Marri’s Epistle of Forgiveness (Resalat Al-Ghufran), which in 2007, was banned by the Algerian Ministry of Religious Affairs, is so similar to John Milton’s Paradise Lost, that most of today’s educated Arabs either associate the two works; and in 1886 some were erroneously claiming that Milton borrowed from Epistle; moreover, in 1919, Spanish orientalists suggested that Danti’s Divine Comedy, used ideas from Al-Marri’s Epistle. [5]

Heretic | Ranking
In 14th century, al-Marri was classified as a top three heretic:

“The heretics in Islam are three: Ibn al Rawandi, Abu Hayyan al Tawhidi, and Abu Alaa al-Ma’arri–of them, mostly Abu Hayyan, because they (attempt to) edify grandiloquence but in fact they babble.”
— Ibn al-Jawziyyah (c.1325) [3]

In 2004, Jennifer Hecht, likewise, groups al-Rawandi, al-Tauhidi, and al-Ma’arri as the "three worst zindiqs" [anti-religionists] of Islam, according to the Islamic tradition. [1]

Genius | Rankings
See also: Middle ages genius
Al-Marri is oft-compared to the following:

Lucretius (99-55 BC) (IQ:180|#92) [RGM:N/A|1,260+] (Cattell 1000:209)
Lucian (c.120-190AD) (IQ:#|#) [RGM:N/A|1,250+] (Cattell 1000:387)
John Milton (1608-1674) (IQ:180|#111) [RGM:330|1,250+] (Cattell 1000:16)
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) (IQ:175|#218) [RGM:51|1,260+] (Cattell 1000:42)

Would seem to yield him (Jun 2017) an four-person genius comparison synthesis intelligence of (IQ:178|#164) [RGM:191|1,260+] (Cattell 1000:164); which, rounding down on the safe side of genius ranking guesstimation, yields an first draft IQ of 175 mean position #173 (which falls in the 180 IQ ranges); therefore #209 intuited.

Influenced Al-Marri influenced Omar Khayyam and Saadi Shirazi (1210-1291). [5]

Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Al-Marri:

“It takes a keen mind [something Alfred von Kremer (c.1875) (Ѻ) lacked] to examine the language and style [of the poetry of Al-Marri] with sufficient closeness to detect the subtle manner in which the poet at once disguises and proclaims his unbelief in the Mohammedan or any other revealed religion. Al-Marri contemplates life with the profound feelings of Lucretius and is like Lucian.”
— Reynold Nicholson (1920), Studies in Islamic Poetry [4]

“Al-Marri is one of the great doubters of all time.”
Jennifer Hecht (2004), Doubt: a History [4]
Al-Marri (1944 and 2013) 2
Left: the 1944 bust of al-Marri, by sculptor Fathi Muhammad. Right: a photo of the beheaded (and shot) Al-Marri, in his Syrian hometown of Maarrat al Nu’man (Ѻ), aka “al-Ma’arra” (from which his nisba or Arabic toponymic nickname is derived), done by the al-Qaeda jihadists from the Al-Nusra Front. [3]

Quotes | Intelligence
The following are al-Marri quotes on intelligence:

“If a man of sound judgment appeals to his intelligence, he will hold cheap the various creeds and despise them.”
— Al Marri (c.1020) [2]

“Humanity follows two world-wide sects: one, men intelligent but without religion, second, men religious but without intellect.”
— Al Marri (c.1020), “The Epistle of Forgiveness” (Ѻ); this statement, of note, is misattributed, by Madalyn O’Hair (Ѻ), in her The Atheist World‎ (1991) (pg. 46), to Averroes; variant later said (Ѻ) by Goethe [1]

Quotes | By
The following are quotes by al-Marri:

“Young men grow up in the belief to which his father has accustomed him. It is not reason that makes him religious, but he is taught religion his next of kin.”
— Al Marri (c.1020) [2]

“They recite their sacred books, although the fact informs me that these are fiction from first to last. Reason alone speaks the truth.”
— Al Marri (c.1020) [2]

“The sacred stones in Mecca, visited and touched with hands and lips, are stones that were once kicked.”
— Al Marri (c.1020) [2]

“The Christians have lied concerning the son of Mary. The Jews also lied concerning the son of Amran.”
— Al Marri (c.1020) [2]

“Had they been left alone with reason, they would not have accepted a spoken lie; but the whips were raised to strike them down. Traditions were brought to them, and they were bidden to say, ‘we have been told the truth’, and if they refused, the sword was drenched in their blood.”
— Al Marri (c.1020) [2]

1. Hecht, Jennifer M. (2003). Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas (pgs. 231-33). HarperOne.
2. (a) Nicholson, Reynold A. (1920). Studies in Islamic Poetry (fiction, pg. 110; Mary, pg. 174; creeds, pg. 174; kin, pg. 176; blood, pg. 177; stones, pg. 191). Cambridge University Press.
(b) Hecht, Jennifer M. (2003). Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas (pgs. 231-33). HarperOne.
3. Kamel, Marwan. (2015). “The 11th Century Poet Who Pissed of al-Qaeda” (Ѻ),, Feb 2.
4. (a) Nicholson, Reynold A. (1920). Studies in Islamic Poetry (Kremer, pg. viii; Lucretius, pg. 44). Cambridge University Press.
(b) Nicholson, Reynold A. (1930). Literary History of the Arabs (Lucian, pg. 318-19). Cambridge University Press.
(c) Hecht, Jennifer M. (2003). Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas (pgs. 474, 519). HarperOne.
5. Issa, Islam. (2016). Milton in the Arab-Muslim World (Arab Lucretius, pg. 38). Taylor & Francis.

Further reading
● Al-Marri (c.1030). “The Tinder Spark”, Publisher.
● Al-Marri (c.1030). “Unnecessary Necessity”, Publisher.
● Al-Marri (c.1030). “The Epistle of Forgiveness”, Publisher.

External links
Al-Ma ‘arri – Wikipedia.

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