In physics, brightness refers to the power intensity of a light source. In the production of star light, the phenomenon of hydrogen burning occurs, where gravitation pressure acts to squeeze central "star" hydrogen atoms, causing chain thermonuclear reactions, which result to release energy, primarily as light. The unit of the measure brightness is candela (cd) defined as the power emitted by a light source in a particular direction. The common candle emits light with a luminous intensity of roughly one candela. In the burning of a candle, fuel in the form of wax, a type of lipid (oxygen hydrocarbon molecule), reacts with oxygen molecules to create light and heat.

Human thermodynamics
In extrapolation, regarding the terms intellectual "brightness", all-time "star" genius, "burnout" IQs, and "deburners", etc., is that these are not simply figures of speech or pure analogy (as many would argue), but rather terms modeled on stellar burning or other forms in which light is made, such as filament heating or combustion (fire).

In human context, brightness is a thermal word used to describe individuals on either an intellectual or social effect level. In terms of intellectual ability, brightness refers to the logic that IQ is defined as a measure which expresses the relative brightness or intelligence of any given individual. In terms of social effect, brightness refers to people who are said to have a ‘star like’ quality about themselves and thus to shine very bright, in many cases for centuries on end; examples being the terms ‘rock star’, football star, or superstar, etc.

In this logic, human beings can be considered as large hydrogen atoms (made of 26-elements to precise), termed "human molecules", and this same pressure-induced burning phenomenon acts in the human sphere, in which human electromagnetic pressure acts to squeeze central "star" human molecules, e.g. Geothe, Da Vinci, Newton, Einstein, etc., causing human thermonuclear reactions (an high energy type of human chemical reaction) which result to release energy. [1]

These types of high-energy reaction are indicative of the laws, workings, and movement of the universe. Those individuals forced into this universal current, so as to become adult star "human molecules" or all-time "bright" geniuses, are thus different than those who may have had the potential to become stars, but failed to react, for whatever reason.

On this model, in may be possible to measure human brightness in units of candela, as function of combustion-like reactions between human molecules.

1. Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume One) (pgs. 290-95). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.

External link
Brightness – Wikipedia.

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